Welcome Back: What are we Called to Do?

This Sunday, we will hold worship on our front lawn.
Family worship at 9:45am
Welcome Back worship at 11am
Followed by an all-parish lunch on the lawn!

At the heart of our church’s vision (from 2012) is the idea of “Call-Equip-Serve,” meaning that each one of us is:
1. Called to do some kind of ministry, and can be
2. Equipped by our church community to do it, so that we can
3. Serve effectively in the world.

I often wonder how we could lean into more of this core mission. I wonder how many of you feel like you know what God is calling you to do? What gifts, passions and talents has God given you? How has or could our church equip you to do it? And where are you serving — not just within our community, but out in the world?

On Sunday, we will remember some of the famous call stories of the Bible, including Moses’ famous encounter with God calling him from the burning bush (Exodus 3-4). Moses came up with all kinds of excuses about why he couldn’t do the work God had set out for him, but God wouldn’t let him off the hook. And eventually, Moses, with some help from his sister and brother and a LOT of help from God, ended up leading his people out of slavery and into the promised land.

He also got exasperated along the way, sometimes doubting himself, God and the people. Just because you have a call doesn’t necessarily make it easy.

Moses, of course, isn’t the only call story in the Bible. Deborah, Joshua, Hannah and Samuel, all the prophets, Mary, John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, and on and on. They all received calls, big and small.

So on Sunday, we will ask “what is our call?” — both as individuals and as a community.

We will follow with our annual celebratory “Welcome Back” lunch. We look forward to welcoming you back from summer adventures and fun.

In faith,
Amy and Kent

NOTE: Some of you may have seen United Parish in the news this week about the burning of our Trans Pride flag on our lawn. For more info, go here.

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