Wandering Heart: Tuning Our Hearts to God

This Lent (February 14-March 30) our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, following the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.”

This is the last Sunday before we launch once again into the season of Lent, those 40 days when we commemorate Jesus’ days in the wilderness and seek to deepen in our own faith and spiritual practices. This Sunday, we’ll offer a prelude to Lent, as we lean into the Wandering Heart series described above (check out the link).

Often, before the prayer of confession, you’ll hear me invite us to re-tune and re-calibrate our hearts and souls to God’s melody, God’s rhythm, God’s way of being. This is how I often think of God: like a great cosmic grounding tone in the universe that we have to keep returning back to, in order to get our own individual melodies on track.

On Sunday, we’re going to deepen into that idea of re-tuning, just like the old hymn says, “tune my heart to sing thy grace.” We’ll look at Psalm 51 and Matthew 4. When and how do you get out of tune with God? What does it mean to re-tune your soul? What are some ways this Lenten season that you could try that out?

Come Sunday and we will lean into these questions together.

In faith,

Image from Truth is Crying blog.

Other Lenten Opportunities
Ash Wednesday worship, February 14, 7pm, Chapel. Learn more
Lenten Discernment Class, Sundays, February 18-March 24, Parlor. Learn more.
Dinner Church, Thursdays, February 22-March 21, Parlor. Learn more.

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