Wandering Heart: Hope & Nonsense

This Lent (February 14-March 30), our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.”

We’ve been following stories about the disciple Peter during Lent and all the ways that he’s impulsive, impetuous, usually over-eager and often talking a bigger game than he can play.

On Maundy Thursday, he denies his beloved friend and mentor not once, but three times — fearful for his own life to be associated with him. He weeps in bitter regret afterwards (Luke 22:54-62).

And yet, when he hears the women’s account that Jesus has been raised from the dead, even though his other colleagues consider it “nonsense,” Peter runs to the tomb to see for himself (Luke 24:1-12).

How much of our faith life seems like “nonsense” to the rest of the world? How much do we need the non-sense of hope and imagination to change the world? How much non-sensical hope do we need to counter climate change, gross economic inequities, racism, a ceasefire in all wars, inadequate housing? How much non-sensical hope do we need to counter the constant narrative of division and decline in order to let new life come forth?

As always during Holy Week, we will go through the farewell meal, denial and betrayal of Maundy Thursday, and the state-sanctioned, religiously condoned torture and execution of Good Friday before we get to the empty tomb on Sunday morning. It’s important to remember these “valleys of the shadow of death” on our way to Resurrection. If you haven’t come before and you have the spiritual fortitude, I encourage you to come.

We will also remember in both the valley and on the peak of Easter Sunday that we are called to be Resurrection People — people who believe in hopeful things that the rest of the world considers “nonsense.”

In faith,


Image credit: “Peter and John Running to the Tomb” by Eugene Burnand

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