Wandering Heart: Forgiveness

This Lent (February 14-March 30), our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.”

Come on Sunday and we’ll reflect on Matthew 18:15-22, in which Jesus gives challenging instructions about how to work through conflict and forgiveness with someone who’s offended you. When Peter shows a real interest in learning more about it and asks “How many times should I forgive…as many as seven times?” Jesus responds: “Seventy times seven.”

That’s a lot of forgiveness.

In preparation, I encourage you to think about:
How easy or hard is forgiveness for you? Why?

Is there someone with whom you’ve had conflict that you need to forgive?

What would it look like if American culture practiced more forgiveness?

See you Sunday and we’ll pray, reflect and sing together.

In faith,

Image from Radiance Functional Medicine.

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