Trinity Sunday & Memorial Day

In the liturgical calendar, this Sunday is Trinity Sunday, a tradition dating back to medieval times, in which the church pays attention to the doctrine of the trinity. It’s how we try to make some sense of the unfathomable nature of God.

This weekend is also Memorial Day, an American tradition that began in the waning days of the Civil War, when families began decorating the graves of the war dead.

As writer Ben Irwin notes here:
“If you feel conflicted over Memorial Day, you’re not alone. On the one hand, it is right we should honor those who sacrificed everything, driven by the noble desire to serve. On the other hand, it feels less right that we should baptize their sacrifice as a pretext for the next war, and the next one, and the next one.”

On Sunday, we’re going to dive into this challenge, looking at Ephesians 6:10-18, and how God calls us as Christians to think about war and peace, sacrifice and love.

In faith,


Image credit: Pawel Loj on Flickr / CC BY 2.0 from

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