Seeking Peace Together: God Tends a Garden

January 21-February 4, our worship continues following our Church School curriculum from the autumn, Seeking Peace Together, as we learn in worship alongside the youngest members of our community.

Peacemakers join God in caring for the Earth.

On Sunday, we will revisit the second Creation story in Genesis (chapter 2, verses 4-23) and imagine what it would have felt like to wake up in the original Garden of Eden:
What would we notice?
What would surprise us?
Where would our sense of wonder go?

How does this original, primal wonder inform our relationship with this Earthly garden today? How much time do we take to bask in it, wonder, appreciate and take care of it?

Hopefully you have some favorite places in the natural world, on this planet, this Earthly garden we are passing through, that motivates you, feeds your soul. On Sunday, we will bring our visions of Eden together into the sanctuary and lean into how they inspire us and sustain us. And ask, what do we need to do to help God sustain this Earthly home?

In faith,


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