Seeking God Together: Celebrating

This autumn, our worship follows our Church School curriculum, Seeking God Together. We are learning in worship alongside the youngest members of our community.

In our final Sunday before Advent, having moved through themes such as Marveling, Crying Out, Saying Thanks, and Confessing, we arrive this Sunday at Celebrating! And in some ways, this theme encompasses all that have come before, as we hear the Psalmist’s reminder that amidst the sacred work of lamentation, amidst the gratitude lists, amidst the speechlessness at the wonders of creation, we are called to celebrate and praise God. This celebration doesn’t negate our sorrow, nor is it any more important than our lamentations or the righteous anger that spurs us to do justice work. It’s simply an equally important spiritual practice in which we are called to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. We’ll also explore on Sunday what it means that the Psalmist didn’t call for a beautiful or harmonious noise, just a joyful one…

Come one, come all, bringing your most joyous, tone-deaf, raucous praise for this Sunday’s celebration (and tell any children in your family to bring their outside voices)!

See you Sunday in the Sanctuary and online,


Autumn Worship Series: Seeking God Together
November 20, Celebrating (Psalm 100, 150)

Advent Worship Series: Generation to Generation
Advent 1: November 27, There’s room for every story (Matthew 1:1-17, Isaiah 2:1-5)
Advent 2: December 4, God Meets Us in Our Fear (Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 11:1-10)
Advent 3: December 11, We Can Choose a Better Way (Matthew 1:18-25, Isaiah 35:1-10)
Advent 4: December 18, We See God in Each Other (Luke 1:39-45; 56-58, Luke 1:46-55)
Christmas Day: December 25, Zoom Worship and Fellowship, 11am

Image credit: “Psalm 150” by Margrit Prigge

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