Promises Made: Hannah and Samuel

Our Bible story this week begins while the Israelites are still living the frontier life as described in the Book of Judges. As our worship curriculum explains,

“There is no unified political framework, and the people are constantly threatened by neighboring people, especially the Philistines. In this uneasy life situation, having children who will carry on the family name is the way in which women’s worth was measured.

The key to understanding Hannah’s situation is that—even though she is older and Elkanah loves her—without children, society sees her as having no value… Hannah prays to God for a son and promises that she would dedicate him to God’s work. God looks upon her with favor and grants her the son she desires. She responds with a song of joy, praising God who favors those who are oppressed and who lifts up vulnerable people. 

While last week’s story contained an excellent example of how not to worship, today’s story is the best example of how to worship. Hannah is faithful and humble, and she expresses her love of God both through her prayer and her song. This is the heart of what worship is all about.” 


This Sunday, we’ll be thinking about authentic worship, and how to bring our whole selves before God. There will in fact be two worship services happening this Sunday morning: one down in Rhode Island for the participants at the Fall Fellowship Retreat, and one back home at United Parish in the chapel at our usual 11am time.

However you’re joining us for worship, we’re so glad to have you with us. Join us to sing, pray, learn, and worship God together!

In faith,


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