Living the Word: from now through Easter (April 20), we follow Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Luke. Jesus shows us a loving God in his teachings, healings, and relationships with people pushed to the margins. His commitment to love leads him to Jerusalem, and ultimately to the cross.
Does God notice our suffering? Does God care about what is going on in our lives, in our world? Have you ever wondered; does God really care about my problems?
If you answered yes to any of these questions — you are not alone!
Last week we saw Jesus heal a man’s hand on the sabbath. This week, we continue following Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. In Luke 7:1-17, Jesus performs two more miracles for two very different people: a centurion (a military leader) and a widow. These two people probably also wondered, “does God really care about my problems?”
The widow and the centurion are completely different in terms of gender, class, status, and religion. Yet, Jesus responds to both of them with healing. What does this tell us about Jesus? Once again, Jesus is going to draw the circle wide and expand our understanding of who gets included in God’s kingdom.
What does this story reveal to us — and to the crowds — about Jesus’ identity? What can we learn about God’s heart for those who suffer? How is Jesus inviting us to participate?
Come Sunday as we discover together!
In faith,
2024-2025 Seminarian
Image credit: Melkite Church of the Annunciation, Jerusalem. Image by via Flickr.