Leviathan on a Leash

This summer, we delve into the theme of Sacred Places, Sacred Moments” hearing from our members about locations, physical spaces, situations, or moments in time in which they feel connected to or made room for the Divine. Summer worship is at 10am in Willett Hall downstairs.

I’ve always loved Psalm 104– it’s an exultant ode to creation, to each part of our beautiful ecosystem.  I especially love verse 26, which talks about God creating the ocean, “and [the sea monster] Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.”  I find special meaning in the idea that this giant sea monster that strikes fear in the hearts of mariners (and often symbolized cosmological chaos) was put on this earth simply to play.

I found extra special meaning in that verse when I welcomed my own Leviathan into my house, in the form of my then-puppy, Sammy. Despite our monstrous start together, I’ve come to experience our regular morning walks at Waltham’s Beaver Brook South reservation as brief encounters with the sacred that leave me full of joy, gratitude, and renewed compassion.

Join me on Sunday to share in scruffy exuberance as we praise God’s creation together.

In faith,

Summer Worship Theme: Sacred Places, Sacred Moments
Sundays, 10am in Willett Hall
July 7  Peter Rempelakis
July 14  Dannah Kaplan
July 21  Ricardo Austrich
July 28 Bob Foney
August 4 Stella Lee
August 11 Deb Hall
August 18 Amy Norton
August 25 Justin Aier
September 1 Kate Hendrix


Image: “Leaps and Bounds,” oil on board, by Amy Norton and Zac Benfield

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