Imagine Together: Vitality

During the season of Eastertide (April 1-May 18 this year), we focus on our Stewardship and how we collectively support the overall ministry of United Parish, as we “Imagine Together” how we make an impact in the world around us.

This Sunday we follow the story of Nicodemus, as he appears three times in the Gospel of John. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, first approaches Jesus in the dead of night, carrying some big theological questions. As our worship curriculum explains,

“Not only did Jesus respond rather cryptically to Nicodemus’ initial inquiry, but Jesus went on to excoriate the old man, essentially calling him a fool and indicating that the only things that lurk in darkness are evil intentions, and perhaps evil people, too.  Jesus was taking a direct shot at Nicodemus’ nighttime inquiry when he pointedly said: “For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God.”  Jesus’ challenge was clear: “if you want to know more about me, see me in the morning.  Talk to me in the light of day.  I don’t play hide and seek in the dark.”  It’s rather amazing that we hear anything more about Nicodemus after this rather jarring nighttime encounter…but we do.  Blessedly – remarkably – Nicodemus’ curiosity in Jesus endured.”


As we lean into this week’s call to Imagine Together: Vitality, we’re going to explore the role that curiosity plays in experiencing and maintaining vitality as the Beloved Community.  Join us at 8:30am outside the church to head to the Boston Common for the Walk for Hunger; we’ll then gather at 11am for worship in the Sanctuary or on youtube to pray, sing, learn, and be curious together.

In faith,


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