Honoring Our Bodies: Secret Wonders

This autumn, our worship follows our Church School curriculum, Seeking God Together. We are learning in worship alongside the youngest members of our community.

This Sunday, we look forward to welcoming the Reverend Carrington Moore, Executive Director of common cathedral, one of our ministry partners that holds worship every Sunday, rain or shine on Boston Common for the city’s unhoused community. Many of you will remember when we have welcomed common cathedral and common art in the past. Reverend Carrington is also the Assistant Pastor for Discipleship at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Jamaica Plain.

Reverend Carrington writes:

There is something very sacred and secret about our bodies. From our hidden freckles, undiscovered beauty marks and even our memorable scars, our bodies house the memories of life, the experience of joy and the wonder of God.

Every time we read Psalm 139, it has the power to reorient us back to the memory of creation, the memory of our own innocence, the memory of God’s precious and patient brilliance in molding our minds and our beloved bodies. The Psalmist shares When I was being made in secret” arouses the feelings of divine planning in the formation of our consciousness and the caring creation of our own bodies.

This Psalm of reorientation helps us overcome the capitalistic culture that devalues our human potential, exploits our labor and plunders minoritized body/minds. Psalm 139 reminds us of the genuine love and intentional relationship that our God desires to have with us.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; I know this very well.”

With great precision and patience, we derived out of the brilliance of God. Inherent within our own DNA, we are wonderful. However, the oppressive structures within our society create the conditions for the devaluing of our bodies. The idea that we are wonderful creations can often feel more like a distant memory rather than a daily lived reality.

This coming Sunday, we will make meaning together as God calls us back to the honoring of our bodies both individually and collectively. As a community we will travel through divine scripture and wrestle with simplistic truths that can guide us in the complexities of manifesting love and justice in the world.

Questions for consideration:
How do you honor your body through your daily practices?
How do your traumas, pains, fears and hurts live inside your body?
How is God calling you to take care of your body in this season of your life?
How is God calling you to honor your neighbors’ body?

Autumn Worship Series

October 2  Honoring our Bodies (Psalm 139:13-16; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Guest Speaker: The Reverend Carrington Moore,
Executive Director, common cathedral, a partner ministry
October 9 theme and scripture TBD, afternoon visit to common cathedral, 1pm
October 16  Making Room (Matthew 6:16-18; Acts 13:1-3; 14:21-28)
Guest Speaker: Lisa Weinstock,
Member and Refugee Host, Wellesley Village Church (UCC) and Temple Beth Elohim
October 23  Marveling (Psalm 104)
October 30  Saying Thanks (Luke 17:11-19; Colossians 3:14-17)
November 6  Crying Out, All Saints (Psalm 130; Book of Job)
Guest Speaker: Gerami Groover-Flores, Executive Director
Hamilton-Garrett Center for Arts & Music
November 13  Confessing (Psalm 21:1-8)
November 20  Celebrating  (Psalm 11, 150)
November 27  “There’s room for every story” (Matthew 1:1-17, Isaiah 2:1-5)

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