God Sightings: Here I Am, Send Me!

This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. We’ll spend the next few weeks looking for “God sightings”- learning about and noticing where God lives, how God shows up for us, and how we can listen for God in our lives.

Autumn All-Parish Meeting Sunday

Some of us may still be reeling from the news. Some of us may have gone numb. Some of us may be obsessively checking the news. Some of us are avoiding it.

Some of us may wonder what the present moment requires of us, as individuals, as a community?

On Sunday, we will visit Isaiah, chapter 6, in which God dramatically uses fancy angels and burning coals to call Isaiah to be a prophet, a spokesperson for God to the Judeans, calling them to attention. They’re entering some rough waters in their history, about to be held captive by the Assyrians.

In this scene, Isaiah doesn’t hesitate. He immediately answers, “Here am I, send me!” On Sunday we’ll reflect on what God is calling for each of us right now. Where is God calling us forward? What does God require of us?

Our worship will then transition to our autumn annual meeting, with lunch and presentations on our path forward with UPLIFT (United Parish Leading into Future Transformation), some broader context for our overall finances and an official commitment to becoming a WISE congregation, committed to welcome, support and inclusivity for all who live with mental illness.

See you there!

In faith,

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