Finding an Old Friend in God Again

This summer, we delve into the theme of Sacred Places, Sacred Moments” hearing from our members about locations, physical spaces, situations, or moments in time in which they feel connected to or made room for the Divine. Summer worship is at 10am in Willett Hall downstairs.

NOTE: This Sunday’s homily will not be broadcast on YouTube.

Who is God to you? Someone human-like who loves you unconditionally? A severe judge? A taskmaster? Or something more abstract? A rushing wind? A misty cloud? Or maybe a mother hen? A soaring eagle? Is God something or someone as close as your nearest breath or as distant as the farthest star?

On Sunday, Kate H. will share with us about how she first experienced God as a child, someone friendly, accepting and engaging. And then how she lost that friend. After many twists and turns, including perilous trials through real-live war zones, she found her childhood friend of God again in our congregation. On Sunday, she will tell of her heartwarming and heroic path back to God in the sacredness of United Parish.

We will consider Jesus’ instructions in Luke (11:1-10) about how to pray and ask for what we need, how to knock so that doors may open for us.

I encourage you to come in person for this last Sunday of our summer series. In it, you will find a blessing.

In faith,

Summer Worship Theme: Sacred Places, Sacred Moments
Sundays, 10am in Willett Hall
July 7  Peter Rempelakis
July 14  Dannah Kaplan
July 21  Ricardo Austrich
July 28 Bob Foney
August 4 Stella Lee
August 11 Deb Hall
August 18 Amy Norton
August 25 Justin Aier
September 1 Kate H.


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