Everything in Between: Rest & Growth

This Lent (March 5-April 19), we follow the Sanctified Art series “Everything in Between,” an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” We will continue to follow Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Luke and imagine together where God can meet us “in between.” In it all we acknowledge complexity in our spiritual lives, that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues and everywhere in between. 

Think about the last time you stepped outside. Was anything different? Was there daylight? Was the air warmer? Could you actually feel the sun on your face?

Things have been dormant in winter for so long, but suddenly things are growing. I spotted my first purple crocus this week! What signs of life have you seen?

It can be easy to fall out of sync with these natural rhythms of rest and growth. We have a tendency to neglect our own creaturely needs. But Creation is a powerful teacher. When we look to Creation, we are reminded that growth is more than the daily “grind,” and rest is not static or dead.

This Sunday we’re exploring the polarity of “rest & growth” through the parable of the fig tree (Luke 13:6-9). We’ll take a biblical field trip to a Mediterranean first-century vineyard where we will meet a fig tree, a grumpy landowner, an attentive gardener.

Come Sunday to dig in (pun intended) to this parable. Together, we’ll unearth our hidden assumptions about rest and growth, and discover what God wants to show us in between the extremes of “rest & growth.”

Until then, enjoy the emerging signs of spring.

In faith,


Lent 2025 Theme: “Everything [in] Between”
Ash Wednesday – Intention & Action
March 9 – Faith & Works
March 16 – Stranger & Neighbor
March 23 – Rest & Growth
March 30 – Lost & Found
April 6 – Righteousness & Mercy
April 13 – Shouting & Silence

Maundy Thursday – Power & Humility
Good Friday – Acceptance & Resistance
Easter Sunday – Grief & Hope

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