New Beginnings, Back to the Garden

This autumn we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. We look at the promises God makes with humanity and how those promises get broken. We look at our relationship with God and how we honor and keep it.

This Sunday is our Welcome Back Sunday, when we begin our program year and re-convene after our summertime travel and adventures. It’s a fun, festive day, complete with an after-worship picnic on the lawn.

New Beginnings. Many of us are probably well familiar with the second account of Creation (Genesis 2-3) — how God makes the first human out of dust and the breath of life, then makes another human to help out, then tells them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then a crafty serpent convinces one of them to go ahead and try it, they both do it and then the humans are naked and ashamed and cast out of the garden.

A lot of us bristle at how this story has been interpreted through the ages. It doesn’t seem quite fair. It throws around some shame and blame that many of us have become well acquainted with personally. A lot of humanity is in this story: exploration, promise, curiosity, transgression, shame, vulnerability.

On Sunday, we’re going to step into the garden together and re-discover what this story has to say to us today. How do we make sense of our relationship with God in our own jumble of feelings and modern-day realities? What’s the promise that God makes and keeps with us?

Come Sunday to taste and see!

In faith,

Sunday, September 8

9am – Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

9:30am- Nursery Open (Room 203)

9:45am – Church School Orientation (Front Lawn)

11am – Worship (Sanctuary and YouTube)

12pm – Welcome Back Potluck Picnic (Front Lawn)


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