Imagine Together: Turning to Wonder

During the season of Eastertide (April 1-May 18 this year), we focus on our Stewardship and how we collectively support the overall ministry of United Parish, as we “Imagine Together” how we make an impact in the world around us.

This Sunday is Consecration Sunday, when we bring forth our financial and time and talent pledges for our new program year (July 2024-June 2025). More information about Stewardship 2024 here.
We will also hear from all three of our choirs: Adult, Children’s and Handbells!

When was the last time you went for a walk or ride out in nature?

Jesus says very clearly that one of the best antidotes for our ongoing anxiety and worry is to step outside and check out what’s going on in the natural world around us (Matthew 6:25-34).

If you spend long enough out in nature and really let your mind drop into its rhythms, you can turn to wonder:
• where do those ducks sleep at night?
• how far did they travel to get here?
• what brings them happiness?
• how long has that tree been there?
• how exactly do those leaves change colors?
• look how quickly those plants rose up in the past few weeks in a space that looked barren…
• does that rock have any feelings?

Wonder is one of the great antidotes for existential angst. It takes us out of ourselves. It causes us to look outwards instead of inward. It helps us appreciate what is already taking place with or without us. It helps us catch a glimpse of the future.

As our congregation looks creatively and imaginatively toward our future, we need wonder:
• how are we serving our neighbors?
• what is going well inside our congregation that we need to share with others?
• what could our ministry look like 5 years, 10 years, 20 years from now–in ways that are hard to imagine today?

Come Sunday and together we will listen, sing and re-pledge ourselves to the work of wonder.

In faith,


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