Wandering Heart: Being Sought After

This Lent (February 14-March 30) our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.”

Jesus’ first disciples were everyday people: minding their own business, mending their nets, supporting their families, worrying about expenses, paying their taxes, fretting about the future. First and foremost among them was Peter. He’s a compelling guy, often impulsive, leaping before he looks, getting it wrong at least as much as he gets it right, making promises he can’t keep.

Much like you and me and lots of people we know.

And Jesus loved him. And despite, or perhaps because of Peter’s “perfect imperfections,” Jesus trusted him. He called Peter “the rock” on which he would build his church, the early Jesus’ movement. Roman Catholics consider him the first pope, the “bishop of Rome.”

This Lent, we are inviting Peter into the Sanctuary with us, noticing what about his life and impulses match our own. We’ll notice where our story meets his. And through it all, we’ll interweave the old hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” as we consider our own wandering hearts and what it means to bring them more in tune with God this season.

For this First Sunday in Lent, we’ll remember the confessional words of Psalm 25 and an account of when Jesus first called Peter and his brother Andrew to follow him (Luke 5:1-11), promising these well-worn fishermen that soon they’d be fishing for people. We’ll stoke our imaginations about how Jesus and God are seeking us out of our everyday lives to be disciples in this day and age.

In faith,


Image credit: “River of Grace” by Lisle Gwynn Garrity. Inspired by Luke 5:1-11. Acrylic painting on canvas with digital drawing. © a sanctified art | sanctifiedart.org

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