Seeking God Together: Welcoming All

Dear Ones,

For the fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, we continue to follow along with the Church School curriculum and read a story from the Gospel of Luke. This story is a parable that Jesus tells at a dinner party…about a dinner party. A little pointed, no?

The parable introduces a banquet host, who, upon discovering that all his invited guests have bailed at the last minute, instructs his servant to go out and invite anyone he can find, but especially those who would never expect a dinner invitation from anyone: the poor, the disabled, the outcast, etc.

Where do we see that kind of welcome extended in our own lives and communities? What does it mean to receive an invitation to the banquet? I wonder sometimes what the host of the dinner party Jesus was at thought of this parable- did his disciples worry that they’d never get a plus-One again?

Join us Sunday in the Sanctuary or online to worship, sing, pray, and pass the peas together!

In faith,


Image credit: Getty Images/Maskot, via

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