God Sightings: A New Covenant

This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. This is our final Sunday before Advent looking for “God sightings”- learning about and noticing where God lives, how God shows up for us, and how we can listen for God in our lives.

I once heard about a clergy colleague who had a section in every employment contract that they were expected to meet a certain number of failures each year. This expectation was to hold them accountable to experimenting, trying new things, following the Spirit, and being courageous in their ministry. Imagine if you had a ‘failure quota’ that you had to meet at work, or in your relationships. What new projects would you take on, what ideas would you float, if you knew that failing wouldn’t be a problem?

In your interpersonal relationships, how fully authentic would you be able to be if you knew that you’d be given the benefit of the doubt when a clumsy phrase or impulsive reaction caused annoyance or hurt.

What risks would you take in the pursuit of learning about and fighting for justice, if you had no fear of being ‘canceled’?

In our Bible story this Sunday, we’re again confronted with the inability of humans, of God’s children, to ‘get it right’, so to speak. Maybe it’s just in our nature…to err is human, right? It’s also exasperating! It’s a story full of Monday-morning quarterbacking, book-burning, perseverance, and a forgiveness that frees us to live fully into who God calls us to be.

Join us Sunday morning for worship online and in the Sanctuary to learn, pray, and sing (and maybe even fail) together.

After worship, we’ll gather in the chapel to make Advent wreaths in preparation for the first Sunday of Advent, December 1st!

In faith,


Image credit: “The Cure” by Dan Pape

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