Tune in Online

We stream our services most Sundays at 11am on YouTube! Join us live or view a previous service.

Check out our channel at youtube.com/unitedparishinbrookline


Sunday, March 30, 2025

9am – Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

9:30am – Nursery Open (Room 203)

9:45am – Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room/Sanctuary)

9:45am – Church School (Classrooms on 2nd Floor)

10am – Adult Drop-In Bible Study (Lindsay Room and Zoom)

10:30am – Lenten Contemplative Prayer Time (Parlor)

11am – Worship with Temple Shir Tikva (Sanctuary and YouTube)

Follow along with the order of worship HERE. <link forthcoming>

12pm – Coffee Hour (Chapel)

12:30pm – Youth Mental Health Book Discussion (Lindsay Room)

6:30pm – Teen and Parent Dinner (Parlor)


Livestreaming Worship: We ask for your prayers and patience as we seek to provide a quality online worship experience for our congregation at home. We are learning to adapt to changes in our Sanctuary and in our worship services. Please know that we are hard at work trying to bring you the best streams and videos possible. When serious technical breakdowns with the livestream occur, we will try to post a recording of worship on YouTube later. Thank you for your understanding.
If you want to borrow a hymn book to sing along at home, please let us know!
Finally, if you have a passion for audio/visual technology, we need your help! Please contact Kent French at kent@upbrookline.org to serve on a tech team.


Sign up for our mailing list: To receive regular updates about worship, sign up for our mailing list here or email office@upbrookline.org.

Visitors: If you’re new among us, worshipping with us for the first time and would like to tell us more about yourself, please fill out our Virtual Visitor Card.

Covid/Mask Policy: We are following the CDC Covid by County guidelines. If Norfolk County is green or yellow, masks are optional. If Norfolk County is red, masks are required indoors. This decision was made by our Reopening Planning Team, which has been meeting since 2020 to help us navigate the pandemic. Additional guidelines related to masking and eating when in the red zone vary by situation but may or may not include: masking except when eating or drinking; self-testing before an event; or skipping food altogether. We always encourage you to stay home if you don’t feel well. Click here to read the full policy. For questions regarding a particular event, please reach out to the event organizers or the Church Office at office@upbrookline.org