Sacred Places, Sacred Moments

Each summer, we have the pleasure of hearing from our thoughtful membership and guests about their own spiritual lives, musings, and life experiences. You may remember that last summer, we had a theme of “Who Is My Neighbor?” and heard from a variety of wider community members about what it means to be neighborly. This summer, we will delve into the theme of “Sacred Places, Sacred Moments” hearing about locations, physical spaces, situations, or moments in time in which people feel connected to or made room for the Divine. These spaces and moments can be as varied as a spot… Read More

Ordination at 3pm!

This Sunday’s worship is at 3pm. There is NO 10am worship. This Sunday at 3pm, we will celebrate a special moment in the life of our congregation. Many churches go decades without ever having this privilege. We’re going to ordain one of our own, Jaz Buchanan, to the Christian ministry of Word and Sacrament. Many of you remember that Jaz came to us as our Seminarian in 2019-20. You’ll recall her sweet spirit, her willingness to learn, her openness in preaching, her deep kindness. She was with us when the COVID pandemic hit and we learned to pivot to online… Read More

Honoring Juneteenth

NOTE: Worship on Sunday, June 30, will be at 3pm in the Sanctuary, for Jaz Buchanan’s ordination service. We will not have 10am worship that Sunday. Three years ago this month, Juneteenth became a federal holiday, following many months of nationwide protests against police brutality against Black people. While many of us have seen increased awareness of Juneteenth, I wonder how many of us are familiar with the holiday or have actively celebrated it. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, in the western reaches of the then confederate state of Texas, and announced… Read More

What a covenant—All Parish Meeting Sunday

Worship begins at 10am this Sunday in Willett Hall followed by our All-Parish Meeting   Covenant is one of those church-y, biblical words that is probably not a part of most of our active vocabularies. We’re more used to terms like “contract” or “agreement.”   Covenant is what mere mortals in the early books of the Bible made with God. It’s what prophets mediated between God and the people. It’s the relationship with God and humanity that Jesus came to renew, restore and expand with his ministry.   Covenant is more than transactional — it’s about relationship, about promises, beholden-ness,… Read More

Who is my family?

In the first chapter of Genesis it says: God created humanity in God’s own image,         in the divine image God created them,             male and female God created them. (Genesis 1:27, Common English Bible) It’s a claim each of us takes about our unique place in the world. Each one of us bears the imprint of God, the great cosmic divine force in the universe. So, whenever one of us harms another person, looks down on someone, kills someone, we are trespassing on that shared divine imprint. June is Pride month across the globe. This weekend is Pride weekend in Boston,… Read More

Confirmation Sunday

This Sunday, we have the joy of celebrating our confirmation class and the educational and spiritual journey they have taken. Over the past church ‘semester,’ our confirmation class has been diving into some pretty big questions: What is faith? Who is God? Who is Jesus? What is the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to be a Christian in the world? What does it mean to be a member of United Parish? And much, much more…they’ve explored the Bible; and they’ve delved into prayer, spiritual practices, and some Very Big Questions, such as, “Did God create a multiverse?”, “What were Jesus’ emotions when being… Read More

Trinity Sunday & Memorial Day

In the liturgical calendar, this Sunday is Trinity Sunday, a tradition dating back to medieval times, in which the church pays attention to the doctrine of the trinity. It’s how we try to make some sense of the unfathomable nature of God. This weekend is also Memorial Day, an American tradition that began in the waning days of the Civil War, when families began decorating the graves of the war dead. As writer Ben Irwin notes here: “If you feel conflicted over Memorial Day, you’re not alone. On the one hand, it is right we should honor those who sacrificed… Read More

Church School Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

To show our gratitude for our dedicated church school teachers, the Children and Youth Deepening Team is hosting a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast at 9:45am on Sunday, June 2, in Room 204 up on the church school floor. All are welcome to share their appreciation by sending thank you notes, contributing a breakfast dish, or stopping by to thank the teachers from 9:45am to 10:45am. Contact with any questions.  … Read More

Imagine Together: Turning to Wonder

During the season of Eastertide (April 1-May 18 this year), we focus on our Stewardship and how we collectively support the overall ministry of United Parish, as we “Imagine Together” how we make an impact in the world around us. This Sunday is Consecration Sunday, when we bring forth our financial and time and talent pledges for our new program year (July 2024-June 2025). More information about Stewardship 2024 here. We will also hear from all three of our choirs: Adult, Children’s and Handbells! When was the last time you went for a walk or ride out in nature? Jesus… Read More

Imagine Together: A Community of Belonging

During the season of Eastertide (April 1-May 18 this year), we focus on our Stewardship and how we collectively support the overall ministry of United Parish, as we “Imagine Together” how we make an impact in the world around us. Did you know that every person in the photo to the left has struggled with mental illness?  This Sunday, we are giving special focus to spreading awareness around mental health and reducing the stigma of mental illness. Our Mental Health Ministry Team has collaborated on putting together a special worship service to help us move further towards God’s call to… Read More

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