Thank you! As we look ahead to the beginning of the fall, the Stewardship and Budget Ministry Team would like to extend our gratitude to our generous pledgers! As of August 16, we have received pledges from 83 individuals and households, with pledges to support United Parish Operations totaling over $391,000, 82% of our budgeted operational contributions for the current fiscal year. Our team welcomes additional pledges online or on paper now and through the church year. Your pledge is the commitment of your best estimate of planned contributions to the ministries of United Parish, which has a significant impact as we plan what we can accomplish together over the next year. Important: If you plan to donate electronically, the final step after pledging is setting up your online contribution(s), or updating existing recurring contributions if you have set them up in the past. If you have questions or need assistance, please email either or – we’re happy to support you through the process!