Parent and Teen Dinner Night! – February 23

What: An evening of food and fellowship with other parents and their teens. We’ll share a meal, play some conversation games, and make new connections/friendships!

Who: This event is just for teens (anyone who will turn 13 during this school year and up) and their parents/caregivers.  Please feel free to invite your teen’s friends and their parents; guests and anyone who invited them will be entered into a raffle to win a prize!

When: Sunday, February 23 at 6:30pm

Where: United Parish Parlor

Why: Because God loves us, and wants us to have a night off from cooking that doesn’t eat into the household budget (and wants us to deepen our relationships with one another through shared mealtimes).

How: RSVP by contacting Associate Pastor Amy Norton-Benfield at so that we can plan for food and childcare needs.