
Summer Coffee Hour Help Needed

Please consider a fun way to connect with our summer visitors and United Parish family by signing up to set out lemonade and goodies one Sunday this summer after worship. Consider a Sunday you are available, email the Gathering Team at, and we will follow up! **Please note: If you bring treats for this fellowship time, please keep everything nut free due to the nature of the new kitchen tenant’s nut free kitchen environment. Thank you!  … Read More

Summer Parents Breakfast Club

We’ll be piloting a breakfast club for parents of young children (aka 5ish and under). We’ll meet on June 30, July 14, July 28, August 11, and August 25, and the nursery will open earlier on those Sundays so that we can gather in the Parlor at 9am for the hour before worship to share bagels, fruit, yogurt, questions, wisdom, and solidarity. So that we know how much food to prepare, please RSVP HERE. Contact Associate Pastor Amy Norton at…. Read More

Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO) Survey

Please take this survey about our church’s experience with GBIO. It will take less than 10 minutes, and will help our GBIO Core Team evaluate the GBIO experience as we work with GBIO leadership for its future activities for equity and justice. Feel free to sign the survey, or fill it out anonymously. Please CLICK HERE to find the survey. Deadline July 31. Thank you! –United Parish GBIO Core Team: David R., Connor I., Anne A., John B., Terry B., Donna T. and Kent. Contact…. Read More

NAMI Walk Recap

Thanks to everyone who made financial donations for the National Alliance on Mental Illness; as a group United Parish raised $1,240. Despite the cloudy weather and possibility of rain, it was a good turnout and great time to meet new people and further relationships with those we knew…. Read More

All Parish Meeting – June 16

Join us on Sunday, June 16, immediately following worship in Willett Hall and on Zoom (note that worship will start at 10am). The All-Parish Meeting is open to EVERYONE – whether you’re a long-time member of United Parish or you’ve just recently started attending worship. This is a chance for our whole congregation to come together. Come as we share and celebrate how God is working in our church. A full agenda and materials will be emailed in advance of the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there! Questions? Contact Jennifer Rodine (…. Read More

Great Opportunities Await!

Have you ever had a germ of an idea but didn’t know where to go with it? Have you ever thought, as so many have over the years at United Parish, it’s time for me to help out some way? We need support of interested folks in some of the Ministry Teams. You would join a few other like-minded folks to share ideas and give back in some way.  The Adult Deepening Team needs some folks who would like to talk about some ongoing classes and perhaps some single lectures or films for this summer and next year. The Gathering… Read More

Church School Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

To show our gratitude for our dedicated church school teachers, the Children and Youth Deepening Team is hosting a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast at 9:45am on Sunday, June 2, in Room 204 up on the church school floor. All are welcome to share their appreciation by sending thank you notes, contributing a breakfast dish, or stopping by to thank the teachers from 9:45am to 10:45am. Contact with any questions.  … Read More

Seeking Feedback on Accessibility

The Accessibility sub-group of the church’s UPLIFT team (United Parish Leading into Future Transformation) would like to extend an open invitation for input from parishioners who identify as having any type of disability or impairment. Specifically, what are some changes, modifications, or accommodations that would make church more accessible for you, or improve your church experience in light of your disability or disabilities? We’d love to hear from a wide variety of people, including but not limited to those with physical disabilities, sight and/or hearing impairments, mental health issues, intellectual and/or learning disabilities, and individuals with autism and/or ADHD (or… Read More

Volunteer Photographers Needed

Do you love United Parish and all the great things we do? Do you love taking photos with your phone or a camera? We need you! The Communications Ministry Team is looking for a few folks to help us with new photos for the website, social media, and newsletters. We know that time is tight, so you don’t even have to join our team! We just want your photos to share! If this is something you’re interested in, please email to learn more…. Read More

20s/30s Summer Plans

 Now that our spring outing is behind us, it’s time to start figuring out our summer activities! In that vein, please fill out the Google Form here to let us know when you will be in town and what activities would interest you! Please don’t hesitate to contact Meagan M. at if you have any questions…. Read More