
Community Thanksgiving Dinner – Team Captains Needed

We are opening our doors for our beloved annual tradition of hosting a community thanksgiving meal downstairs in Willett Hall on Thursday, November 28 at 1pm. Volunteer signups will open October 20. In the meantime, we are looking for team captains and folks to join our core planning team. If you’re interested in a leadership role such as overseeing volunteers on Thanksgiving Day, please reach out to It’s going to be a great day as always and we couldn’t do it without our amazing United Parish family! Thanks for considering…. Read More

Amy’s Sabbatical Report – October 20

Drop by the Parlor after worship on Sunday, October 20 at 12:30pm for a brief presentation on Amy’s art-focused sabbatical experience, and see some of the pieces that she painted during that time. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact Associate Pastor Amy Norton-Benfield at…. Read More

Service and Justice Work Meeting – October 20

Interested in the justice and service work of United Parish? If so, join us for a meeting after worship on Sunday, October 20 at 12:30pm in the Choir Room to hear about what is going on, to suggest activities, and to discuss the relevance of the justice and service work at United Parish. Among the topics to be discussed are Thanksgiving Dinner, Hearts and Hands, Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, Thrifty Threads, the Walk for Hunger, Coat Boston, among other activities. Lunch will be provided by the Stretching Team. Please let Terry Bruce ( know if you plan on attending so we can have a count… Read More

Growing Grandparents – October 9

The Growing Grandparents Group invites you to join a Zoom gathering on Wednesday, October 9 at 10am. We will have a check-in with one another and a discussion focusing on parenting adult children within the context of our faith. Alicia Hsu will be our convener. Please join us if you can! Find the Zoom link in the weekly email newsletter. Contact…. Read More

Religion and Democracy Events

As of Wednesday, September 25, there are only 40 days left until the presidential election (but who’s counting?), and we’ve heard from many of you, both within and outside of our worship community, a desire to engage with topics such as the intersection of faith and politics and the rise of Christian nationalism, and explore more deeply how our faith calls us to respond to the current political landscape and rhetoric. We have compiled a (non-exhaustive) menu of events and opportunities for the season ahead, all centered on religion, democracy, and/or current events. Some of these events are hosted by… Read More

Fall Programs at United Parish

Join us this fall at United Parish for activities and programs for all ages! Check out our upcoming events below. You can also always find announcements and calendar events on our website. Sunday Worship 11am-12pm Sanctuary Fall Worship Series This year we embark on a journey with the Narrative Lectionary, a calendar of Bible stories that starts each year in the story of creation and takes us through the stories of the Hebrew Bible in the fall, and then Jesus’ ministry and that of the early church in the spring. The stories we study this fall are organized around the… Read More

Brookline Porchfest on September 28 – Volunteers Needed!

Make plans to join us on Saturday, September 28 on the United Parish Front Lawn as we join in the fun of Brookline Porchfest! The festivities will run from 12:00-5:30pm. The first two hours of performances from 12-2pm will be by our spirited musicians of United Parish, and we’ll enjoy music by other local bands and musical artists for the rest of the afternoon until 5:30pm. This is a great opportunity to welcome and greet our neighbors and to relax in the rainbow chairs! Schedule: 12:00-2:00pm – United Parish Community Sing, United Parish Handbell Choir performance, food, crafts, Thrifty Threads… Read More

Fall Fellowship Weekend Sign-Ups

RSVP by September 29 Yay! It’s that time of fall when we gather for a weekend of fellowship at Camp Aldersgate in Rhode Island – less than an hour away from United Parish. Games (both inside and outside), hikes, gatherings for meals, apple picking, antique jaunts, and local fair expeditions are some of the things that happen during this time of fall fellowship. Meet new friends, spend time with familiar friends, and take in beautiful fall weather. The weekend begins with Friday dinner, a full Saturday, and ends with Sunday worship and lunch farewell.  When: Friday, October 11 through Sunday, October 13… Read More

GBIO Update: Affordable Housing Discussion

The United Parish GBIO Core Team wants all at United Parish to know of a unique chance to learn about affordable housing in Brookline, this time from the perspective of both for-profit and non-profit developers called “Housing For All” on Wednesday, September 18 from 7-8:30pm in the Select Board Hearing Room on the 6th Floor at Brookline Town Hall (333 Washington St.). It’s a joint presentation by the CEO of 2Life Communities — the non-profit developer of senior affordable housing who developed the Brown Family House (the 62-unit affordable senior building near Coolidge Corner) and a private developer with roots in Brookline… Read More

Thrifty Threads Fall Soirée Evening Sale

Thrifty Threads will be open for a special evening of shopping plus light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments on Thursday, September 26 from 5:30-7:30pm. Shop gently used clothing and housewares at bargain prices. Contact…. Read More