
Guest Musicians in Worship on Sunday, February 23

On Sunday, February 23, we are welcoming “What the World Needs Now Interfaith Coalition Singers” to our worship service. A powerhouse group of singers, performers and social activists featuring Walter and Stephen Cooper (Montclairs, Authentics, Gospel Love Tones), Belle Linda Halpern (singer, story teller, educator, activist, founder of Inspiring Educators), Merle Perkins (acclaimed Boston singer, actor and founding educator and actor with Urban Improv – Rehearsal for Life), and Jenny Bonham-Carter (West of Willow, Poor People’s Campaign, Swedish School of Boston). As an ensemble, their mission is to spread love, hope, unity and togetherness, and to inspire action through the… Read More

Youth Mental Health Book Study for Parents and Educators

Join with the Mental Health and Children & Youth Deepening teams on Sundays, March 9 (Sanctuary), March 16 (Lindsay Room), and March 30 (Lindsay Room) from 12:30-2pm to read and discuss Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness with Children and Teens. Through vivid and powerful storytelling, Blessed Youth removes the barriers of stigma and shame associated with mental illness in children and teens, and includes practical resources such as prayers and a guide for having age-appropriate talks with children about warning signs and how to get help for themselves and friends. Copies of Blessed Youth are available at the… Read More

Sign up to host a Dinner for 8! – Deadline February 19

It’s time for the return of a favorite United Parish tradition – Dinners for 8! These meals are a chance for us to gather and deepen our connections to one another in small groups of around 8 people. The meal dates are scheduled for Friday, March 21, Saturday, March 22, and Sunday, March 23. If you can serve as a HOST for a Dinner for 8, please CLICK HERE to sign up. Please sign up no later than Wednesday, February 19. If you have any questions, please contact Kate H. or send an email to  … Read More

“Fat Sunday” Pancake Coffee Hour – March 2

Please join us for a Mardi Gras-themed pancake Coffee hour on Sunday, March 2 after worship (around 12pm) in the Chapel! Come kick off your Lenten season with fun, fellowship, and a delicious pancake brunch. Contact…. Read More

Ash Wednesday Worship – March 5

Join us for worship on Wednesday, March 5 at 7pm in the Sanctuary as we celebrate this ancient ritual to help us remember that each of us is made of finite material, inspired and animated by the breath of God. Contact Senior Pastor Kent French at or Associate Pastor Amy Norton-Benfield at…. Read More

Sign up to be a liturgist in worship!

We’re looking for folks to sign up for our rotating liturgist schedule. Liturgists read the scripture passage or give the offering invitation. It’s only about 10 minutes of your time every 3 months, and it’ll be a huge help to our worship service. Sign up here and we’ll add you to the rotation. We will send out reminders at the beginning of the month and help you find backups if needed. Thanks! Contact the Exalting Ministry Team at…. Read More

Hosts Needed for Coffee Hour

The Gathering Team is seeking folks who can help with coffee hour before and after church one Sunday a month. It involves coming and hour early to set up, and bringing some food…baked at home or purchased, including fruit, cheese, and snacks. All can be reimbursed. After church and most folks have left, the food and dishes need to be cleared away and washed (we have a dishwasher!) It’s a great way to help that is flexible and fun! Contact, or call Mary M. for more info…. Read More

Growing Grandparents – February 12

 The Growing Grandparents Group invites you to join a Zoom gathering on Wednesday, February 12 at 10am. We will have a check-in with one another, with the holidays and a nationally tumultuous month of January behind us. If you’ve been reading something interesting that you’d like to share or recommend for a whole group discussion in the future, we’d like to hear about it too. Being a grandparent is not a requirement to be a part of this group. Please join us, no matter where your travels are taking you in February! Find the Zoom link in the weekly email… Read More

Thrifty Threads Knitting Group

Calling All Knitters: Join us on Saturdays from 12-3pm to knit hats and mittens to share with people in need. Thrifty Threads is enjoying the new group of thrifty knitters that is meeting as part of our Saturday store. We hope our knitters can create some wonderful hats and other items to share with people in need…. Read More

Help us thank our Thrifty Threads Volunteers!

We are launching a thank you card campaign to show our appreciation to our Thrifty Threads volunteers, most of whom are not members of the worshiping community at United Parish! There will be materials available at Coffee Hour each Sunday in February to write thank you notes, or you can write them on your own and drop off at the church by Sunday, February 23.     Did you know that in 2024 alone:   TT volunteers carefully selected and packed up 2,440 bags (over 25,000 lbs) of clothing which they then donated out to their 15-plus partner agencies to help clothe adults,… Read More