by UPB Editor, September 06, 2023
Come celebrate the start of a new Church School year with us on Welcome Back Sunday. Please join us on the front lawn at 9:45am for families with young children (babies-elementary schoolers) and at 10:15am for families with older children (Middle-High Schoolers) on September 10 for a special Church School Get-to-Know-You event for children, families, and Church School teachers. We will have muffins and coffee with special music on the lawn before dismissing children and their parents/guardians to meet their teachers in the classrooms on the 2nd floor…. Read More
by UPB Editor, September 06, 2023
In response to feedback received through our recent vision discernment work about a desire to gather more regularly in small groups, we are organizing Welcome Back Dinners for 8 on the evenings of Friday, September 22 and Saturday, September 23 (and a lunch option on Saturday, September 23, too!) Meals will be held in homes or at church and we can help coordinate transportation. This is a wonderful opportunity to find deeper connections and enjoy fellowship in a small group setting. Please sign up HERE and we’ll assign you to a meal on one of these two dates. Thanks to… Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
Brookline.News Events Calendar is Now Live Get the latest Brookline news in your inbox every Wednesday, and don’t miss another exciting event in Brookline. Subscribe for free at Newsletter sign-up at and see all the news and events happening in Brookline in one location!… Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
Saturday, September 30 from 12-6pm all over Brookline. Here at United Parish, the Handel + Haydn Youth Choruses will perform on our front lawn from 12-1pm, followed by a Berklee Jazz Combo featuring our very own Micah D. from 1-2pm. Learn more at…. Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
Sunday, September 10 from 11am-3pm in Coolidge Corner. The event will feature vendors, games, inflatables, trucks, food, face painters, bands, prizes and special activities. Learn more at…. Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
20/30 Vision is a group for adults in their twenties and thirties who come together to deepen their faith through Bible study, community service, social justice activities, fellowship and fun. This fall, the group will be meeting on Wednesday evenings. September 6 at 6:30pm: Our first Bible Study meeting at Amory Park in Brookline. Bring a blanket to sit on if you’d like! We’ll be hanging out and discussing what we would like our Bible study meetings to look like. This first ‘Bible Study’ will likely be more social than studious. September 13 at 7:30pm: Meet us for Trivia Night… Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
The Hearts and Hands Ministry Team are in need of more prayer shawls to increase our stock which we give to church members in times of mourning or as a remembrance. Here is the link to a pattern that includes directions for both crocheting and knitting: Whether you use one of these patterns or another, please have the finished product be no less than 20″ by 45″ as this will ensure we will be able to give them to whomever is in need. We are also in need of finding a couple of people interested in making mittens for children… Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
Growing Grandparents is regrouping in September! We are a group of active grandparents and other peers (no grandchildren required!). We gather to share ideas, memories, and experiences. Please join us on Wednesday, September 20 at 10am on Zoom. We will be checking in with each other on this summer’s adventures, joys, and concerns. We will also be doing some planning together for leadership and programming for the coming year. Bring your ideas and visions for the group! We will then be introduced to our next study/discussion, which will be led by Mary McConnell. Find the Zoom link in the weekly… Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
On Sunday, September 10, we invite you to join us for worship in the Sanctuary at 11am. After worship, we’ll have a potluck cookout on the lawn! Families are also invited to join us for a Church School Kick-off at 9:45am on the front lawn…. Read More
by UPB Editor, September 03, 2023
Praise God with the sound of the trumpet! Praise God with the timbrel and dance: Praise God with strings and the organ. Praise God upon the loud cymbals: Praise God upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath Praise God! – Psalm 150 This year, we welcome the incredibly talented 855 Brass Quintet into the United Parish family! Featuring Joel Kayser and Kyra Hulligan on trumpet, Joe Venezia on French horn, Kevin Dugat on trombone, and Hunter Farley on the tuba, they will play for 11am worship on September 10, November 19, February 11, and May 19,… Read More