by UPB Editor, October 12, 2023
20s/30s Game Night The last Indoor Game Night was a huge success, so we’ll be having another one on Wednesday, October 25 at 7pm in the Chapel! Bring whatever games you have in the house (board games, card games, etc.) and come for some FUN! While the games don’t need to be Halloween-related, the event itself WILL have a Halloween theme, and you’re invited to bring candy or some kind of Halloween treat for us to snack on! (And of course, costumes welcome.) Contact Save the Date: 20s/30s Friendsgiving We’ll have our potluck-style Thanksgiving gathering on Saturday, November 11 at… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 12, 2023
Join us on Sunday, October 29 at 11am in the Sanctuary for the first of our new cross-generational worship services. These worship services will feature storytelling, joyful music-making, art, and movement, and are designed to be engaging for all ages. Contact Sabbatical Pastor Christine VanDeWege at or Minister of Music Susan DeSelms at…. Read More
by UPB Editor, October 11, 2023
All Middle School and High School Students are invited: United Parish Youth Group Tree Top Adventures Ropes Course RSVP to Sabbatical Pastor First come, first served. We have seven spots currently remaining. Where: TreeTop Adventures in Canton, MA When: Sunday, Oct 22, 2023 NEXT WEEK SUNDAY 12 Noon: Carpool together after 11am worship service. Please bring lunch money; we will stop at Olympic Pizza in Boston and discuss Community and Courage. 2pm-5:15pm Ropes Course: TreeTop Adventures uses a state-of-the-art harness and clip system that provides an independent climbing experience for all climbers. At the beginning of our experience, TreeTop… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 10, 2023
For over 35 years, United Parish has opened our doors to the community for Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day at 1pm. This time is for those who may be new to the Boston area or those who want to share a meal with the community or those who may need a bit of help in providing Thanksgiving for themselves or their family. And for all those in between, all are truly welcome at the United Parish table. When: Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 1pm (doors open at 12:30pm) Where: 15 Marion Street, Brookline, MA. Downstairs in Willett Hall at United… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 10, 2023
It’s time to sign up for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner that we host on Thanksgiving Day. We extend a community-wide invitation to this annual dinner, which brings in around 175 people every year. For many, this is their only chance at a family-style traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Therefore, we need many volunteers and lots of food donations. We have opportunities for people to donate food, flowers, kitchen items, and their time helping with set-up, cooking, and clean-up. To sign up to VOLUNTEER, click here. **UPDATE**: Thank you so much for your interest. As of the morning of 11/10 – we… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 04, 2023
*UPDATE 10/20/23: The Legacy Giving workshops will be postponed. We will not be meeting on the dates below. Stay tuned for the new dates which will be announced soon. Once again the Legacy Giving team has put together a series of after church workshops on end of life planning. Last year’s series was very well received. We’ve made a few improvements based on the feedback. The series will be better than ever. Some of the topics we will be covering are: wills, medical directives, power of attorney, speaking with family members, choosing an executor, planning a funeral and ‘so much… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 04, 2023
We can take your gold and sterling silver. Do you have single cufflinks or earrings? Maybe broken or unrepairable chains, necklaces or bracelets? You can donate them to Thrifty Threads. One item may not be worth you going to sell it, but if Thrifty Threads has a bagful of gold and silver, we can sell it to benefit United Parish. Thank you doing good in the community!… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 04, 2023
Thanks to our wonderful volunteers Adele and Amalia, Thrifty Threads is able to share our donation numbers for the month! We are proud to announce that approximately 1,764 pounds of clothing (168 bags) and an additional 3 boxes of household items were kept out of the landfill and made their way to community members in need. To determine the average weight per bag, Adele and Amalia took 6 random bags to Harvard Cleaners. They were each weighed, and the average weight per bag was calculated to be around 10.5 pounds. The charity groups who received these donations included Dominican Immigrants… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 04, 2023
After our satisfying and exploratory experience using a teen book to discuss issues we care about, Growing Grandparents are beginning a three month study of both teenage sexuality and gender issues, as well as mental health concerns, using Lily and Dunkin by Susan Gephart. This is an award-winning book about a transgender girl and a boy with bipolar disorder, finding themselves and friendship in their first year at a new high school. We’ll explore some of the questions we all have, including those which will come up as part of our grandparenting experience. The book is $8, and you can… Read More
by UPB Editor, October 04, 2023
It’s time for our fall membership series, when we offer special programming for those in our community who have become repeat visitors and who might be interested in joining United Parish as members. For the first event, we invite you to join us for a 30-45 minute tour of the building after worship on Sunday, October 29 and get a chance to explore parts of the building you maybe haven’t seen, and hear more about what sort of activities happen there! October 29, after worship – Tour (meet in Marion St. lobby outside main office) November 5, 12:30-2pm in the… Read More