by UPB Editor, August 17, 2023
Join us this August and September as we visit neighborhood faith communities and learn about how they transformed their buildings to better serve their mission and goals. We begin on Sunday, August 27 from 12:30-1:30pm at Saint James Episcopal Church in Porter Square, Cambridge, and Wednesday, August 30 from 6-7pm at All Saints, Brookline. Any and all are welcome! Other tours will include: Kehillath Israel, Brookline; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Boston; Saint Cecilia’s Catholic Parish, Boston; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Parish, Brookline; First Church, Cambridge. For further information, please contact Kent at…. Read More
by UPB Editor, August 16, 2023
Thank you! As we look ahead to the beginning of the fall, the Stewardship and Budget Ministry Team would like to extend our gratitude to our generous pledgers! As of August 16, we have received pledges from 83 individuals and households, with pledges to support United Parish Operations totaling over $391,000, 82% of our budgeted operational contributions for the current fiscal year. Our team welcomes additional pledges online or on paper now and through the church year. Your pledge is the commitment of your best estimate of planned contributions to the ministries of United Parish, which has a significant impact… Read More
by UPB Editor, August 15, 2023
Over the past year, the United Parish Missions Giving Ministry Team has carefully considered how the church should direct our missions funds to support important, relevant causes locally, regionally, and across the world. Through diligent research, congregational referrals, and awareness of major global events, our church has donated to organizations promoting diversity and inclusion, alleviating hunger, responding to global disasters, and providing for aid and advocacy for immigrants, indigenous groups, women, children, the unhoused, and a whole lot more. Our team would like to hear even more input from the congregation. If you would like to nominate an organization or… Read More
by UPB Editor, August 13, 2023
United Parish is still searching for volunteers to teach church school for the upcoming year, specifically to be with our 1st-2nd graders and 3rd-5th graders. Our volunteer teachers serve on a teaching team, which means that each person usually ends up helping with two Sundays a month – one where they are teaching and one where they are assisting. There is a provided curriculum that we follow during church school, so no one has to create their own lessons. The elementary age groups tend to be fun and high energy and the curriculum includes lots of opportunities for crafts. If… Read More
by UPB Editor, August 09, 2023
The United Parish Emergency Fund exists to help members and friends of our United Parish community who are in need of short-term financial assistance. We invite any in our United Parish community who need help with rent, food, or any other pressing financial burden to please contact Pastors Amy ( or Kent ( who will bring the request to the United Parish Emergency Fund team. All requests and gifts will be held in the strictest confidence. All assistance is a gift joyously given; it is not taking away from other existing church monies and does not need to be repaid. Rather,… Read More
by UPB Editor, August 09, 2023
United Parish has a tradition of collecting food on the first Sunday of every month to help support the Food Pantry. Drop off canned goods and non-perishable food in the donation baskets near the entrances to the church. You can find a list of items in need or make a monetary donation by visiting the Food Pantry’s website:…. Read More
by UPB Editor, August 09, 2023
United Parish has a tradition of helping those in need through our offering on the first Sunday of the month. You can drop a check for our Emergency Fund in the offering plate or donate online at Special offering envelopes are available on the welcome tables. Thank you for your generous support of all the ministries of United Parish. Contact Tyler Smith at…. Read More
by UPB Editor, August 09, 2023
Your pledge is the commitment of your best estimate of planned contributions to the ministries of United Parish. It really matters for planning what we can accomplish together next year. Most members have made July 1 pledges, but more are welcomed now and through the church year. Your giving is when you put your best intentions into action. Do you like online recurring giving (monthly or weekly)? This does not happen automatically when you pledge; it is a 2nd step! July is the time for you to make sure that online giving has continued, started, or changed from the prior year…. Read More
by UPB Editor, August 09, 2023
If you’d like to submit a prayer request or have your email address added to the prayer chain, please contact (this goes to Amy and Kent). To share a prayer directly with everyone on the prayer chain, please email…. Read More
by UPB Editor, August 09, 2023
Morning Meditation is on hiatus for the summer and will resume September 6. Morning Meditation meets on Zoom most Wednesday mornings from 8-8:30am during the church program year for a calming, caring congregational connection in the middle of your chaotic week. We will hold space for some simple prayer sharing and will offer a relaxing and centering guided meditation that will leave you relaxed and renewed, ready to move into the rest of your week. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us; no prior meditation experience necessary. Please let us know if you’d like to be on the regular… Read More