
The United Parish Mental Health Team invites you to join them for the NAMI Walk

Join us in supporting the National Alliance on Mental Illness on Saturday, May 18 from 9am-1pm at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common. Register to walk with Team United Parish by clicking here. Donations welcome! For more information, visit Contact the Church Office at…. Read More

African American Heritage Hymnals

We are raising additional funds to purchase a complete congregational set of the African American Heritage Hymnals. Each hymnal costs $21.50. We are only $720 away from our goal of purchasing the remaining copies needed to fully stock our pews with them, alongside our New Century Hymnals. If you’d like to help sponsor the purchase of this set of hymnals, please contact Susan DeSelms at…. Read More

Thrifty Threads Spring Fashion Showcase

Thrifty Threads is hosting our Spring Fashion Showcase on Saturday, April 20 from 1-3pm in the Sanctuary. This is a free, community welcoming event. We want to promote eco-friendly crafts and upcycling. We hope to have workshops and demonstrations on reconfiguring broken jewelry, teaching basic mending, and sweater repair. Do you have a craft or skill that would help people reuse, repurpose or keep products useful? Let us know if you would like to host a table during our event. Show others what they can do! We can be green and happy together. Contact Check out the event program… Read More

Thrifty Threads Donates Proms Dresses

Thrifty Threads is spreading prom dress joy to Maine, supporting the Cinderella Project. Our own fairy godmothers packed up the dresses with care and drove them to Maine for delivery. Special thanks to Adele and Karina for partnering up on this project. It was a great success. Thank you also to all our awesome donors…. Read More

Palm Sunday Coffee Hour

We have a Palm Sunday tradition of serving hot cross buns at coffee hour. If you like to bake, we welcome your offerings! If you like to eat, you are also more than welcome. Either way, please bring your buns to the chapel after service on Sunday, March 24…. Read More

Easter Brunch Potluck

Please join us anytime between 9:30-11am in the Parlor on Sunday, March 31 and bring a favorite brunch item to share. We will spend the hours leading up to the 11am Festival Service feasting in celebration of our United Parish family and our risen Lord. With your dish, please also bring a note for display of any common allergenic foods it includes. We look forward to celebrating with you. Please contact the Gathering team with any questions about this event at Volunteers needed! We are looking for a few folks to help with Easter Brunch setup and cleanup. If you are available that morning and… Read More

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 30 from 9-11am in United Parish’s Memorial Park (the playground behind the parking lot at 210 Harvard Street). All are welcome! Egg hunts for younger children. Games and crafts for all ages. Coffee and fellowship for parents and guardians. Rain location: Willett Hall. Contact…. Read More

Growing Grandparents Book Discussion – March 13

As a result of their conversation about banned books in February, the Growing Grandparents are planning to continue with the banned books exploration for our March meeting. You are invited to pick a banned book from any list that you find. It could be a book you’ve been curious about or one that you have already read and would like to revisit and share with others. We’d like each person to share a little about their chosen book, and why you think it is banned. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 13 at 10am on Zoom. You don’t have… Read More

Thrifty Threads Updates

For February, Thrifty Threads donated out 259 bags -or- 2,719.5 pounds -or- 1.36 tons of clothing!!!! Of these, 25 bags were special requests, primarily for infants and children and adults who needed hard-to-find sizes. We are glad that we are now able to provide diapers to groups that depend on diapers to share with their clients. We are also pairing some underwear with inventory that we send out and adding it to the special requests we fill. Looking ahead to April 20, Thrifty Threads is planning our Spring Fashion Showcase. We are looking for people to model our thrifty styles!… Read More

Hearts and Hands Souper Bowl Recap

Thank you to the cooks who prepared the chili, cornbread and brownies for the Souper Bowl sale. And, thank you to all those who purchased these items. We raised $553 which will go towards the National Fund for Sacred Places matching grant…. Read More