
Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 30 from 9-11am in United Parish’s Memorial Park (the playground behind the parking lot at 210 Harvard Street). All are welcome! Egg hunts for younger children. Games and crafts for all ages. Coffee and fellowship for parents and guardians. Rain location: Willett Hall. Contact…. Read More

Growing Grandparents Book Discussion – March 13

As a result of their conversation about banned books in February, the Growing Grandparents are planning to continue with the banned books exploration for our March meeting. You are invited to pick a banned book from any list that you find. It could be a book you’ve been curious about or one that you have already read and would like to revisit and share with others. We’d like each person to share a little about their chosen book, and why you think it is banned. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 13 at 10am on Zoom. You don’t have… Read More

Thrifty Threads Updates

For February, Thrifty Threads donated out 259 bags -or- 2,719.5 pounds -or- 1.36 tons of clothing!!!! Of these, 25 bags were special requests, primarily for infants and children and adults who needed hard-to-find sizes. We are glad that we are now able to provide diapers to groups that depend on diapers to share with their clients. We are also pairing some underwear with inventory that we send out and adding it to the special requests we fill. Looking ahead to April 20, Thrifty Threads is planning our Spring Fashion Showcase. We are looking for people to model our thrifty styles!… Read More

Hearts and Hands Souper Bowl Recap

Thank you to the cooks who prepared the chili, cornbread and brownies for the Souper Bowl sale. And, thank you to all those who purchased these items. We raised $553 which will go towards the National Fund for Sacred Places matching grant…. Read More

Updates from the UPLIFT Team

Updates from the UPLIFT (United Parish Leading Into Future Transformation) Team Here are just a few ways that United Parish has been Leading Into Future Transformation this month! We are getting ready to work with consultants to conduct a feasibility study, an important preparatory step for our capital campaign. Stay tuned for details! In order to keep accessibility at the forefront of our building repairs and updates, we will discuss options for the entrance under the bell tower with Gale Associates, the company that performed our initial building assessment. The National Fund for Sacred Places will work with us to… Read More

Brookline Peace Coalition Presents: Brookline for Peace in Palestine and Israel

Brookline Peace Coalition Presents: Brookline for Peace in Palestine and Israel; Past, Present, and Where We Go From Here Saturday, March 2 from 5-7pm at the Florida Ruffin Ridley School Auditorium (345 Harvard Street, Brookline). Many in Brookline have direct or emotional ties to Israel and Palestine and have thus been deeply affected by the attacks of October 7 and the subsequent bombardment of Gaza. Join us for a panel discussion of the decades-old conflict – the past, current state, and how we can envision a peaceful future. Resources for further learning and reflection curated by Brookline Booksmith will be… Read More

Thrifty Threads Update – Bags Needed

Sales are up and shopping bags are low! Please share any of the great bags you might have collected. Larger bags are especially treasured for our more successful shoppers and strong bags for people walking home or taking the bus are a super plus!… Read More

Youth Service Trip Info Session

Join us on Wednesday, March 6 at 7pm on Zoom to learn about our youth service trip to Maine this summer, which is open to any youth currently in 8th-12th grade. Contact Associate Pastor Amy Norton at…. Read More

Easter Flowers 2024

Each year, we decorate the altar with flowers donated by individuals and families honoring or remembering a family member or friend. If you would like to contribute toward the flowers and have the names of your loved ones printed in the bulletin on Easter Sunday, please complete the form online, email, or fill out a pink form found in the pews. Please donate $10 per name; if writing a check, put “Easter flowers” on the memo line. Deadline is Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday)…. Read More

Thrifty Threads Starts Out Strong in 2024

The Thrifty Threads volunteers continue to make a tremendously positive impact on the local community and environment. Our January 2024 numbers include: Donations to partner organizations: 133 bags or 1,396.5 pounds Mobil Textile Recycling: 11 bags or 115.5 pounds Thank you to all of our volunteers, and keep up the fantastic work!… Read More