
Advent Windows: Artful Hopes and Prayers

This Advent, our congregation and neighbors are invited to create artistic displays in the window wells of our sanctuary that illustrate our most heartfelt prayers and hopes for ourselves, for each other, for the earth, for future generations, and for generations past. Displays will remain in place from December 3 to January 7 and can be installed throughout the weeks prior to Christmas. A few things to think about: Displays don’t need to be stereotypical religious, or Christian content. The window wells contain heat vents and don’t like greenery and things that melt. Displays will likely be touched by curious little… Read More

Coat Boston

After 200 years serving the Greater Boston communities, City Mission Boston has closed its doors, but their services thankfully have continued in different organizations. The Hancock United Church of Christ in Lexington has graciously taken over the Coat Drive (new coats only) and added The Christmas Shop (toys and gifts cards) for the many single parents and families unable to afford the items that will add much needed warmth and joy to their Christmas. Below is the letter from Hancock UCC: “This year, we are seeking donations of gift cards, books, toys, socks, hats, mittens and coats. These gifts will be… Read More

Our Brookline Interfaith Clergy stand together against antisemitism, anti-Muslim hate and other forms of bigotry. 

October 26, 2023 We, members of the Brookline Interfaith Clergy Association, stand together in this time of sorrow and pain. We are a group of Jews, Muslims, Christians and Unitarian Universalists representing over 15 faith communities in Brookline, who have found strength in coming together for many years, building fellowship and friendship among ourselves and members of our different faiths, and providing religious leadership in Brookline, based on compassion and meaning. We and our communities have responded to the terrible events occurring in Israel and Gaza, and to Israelis and Palestinians, in different ways, with anguish, fear, frustration and anger…. Read More

Two Exciting Milestones for GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization)

Funding for public housing: Last week, Governor Healey proposed a major increase in funding for the state’s long-neglected 43,000 units of public housing, which are in desperate, desperate need of capital improvements. This has been a focus of GBIO activity for nearly two years. Her proposal needs approval by the Legislature, and GBIO is organizing meetings with key senators and representative in the next two months. If you want to help, please click here.   Zoning reform in Brookline for more housing and more affordable housing: After months of negotiations, GBIO and the Yes In Brookline campaign are happy to… Read More

Visiting Other Houses of Faith

Want to be inspired about how to transform our building? Join us this fall as we visit neighborhood faith communities and learn about how they transformed their buildings to better serve their mission and goals. The next site visit will be to Kehillath Israel in Brookline on Monday, November 6. We’ve been invited to join their short worship service at 7pm, followed by a tour and conversation at 7:30pm. Please RSVP to if you’re planning to attend. Any and all are welcome! Other tours will include: Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Boston; Saint Cecilia’s Catholic Parish, Boston; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Parish, Brookline; First… Read More

United Parish receives $250K matching grant!

We are delighted to announce that the National Fund for Sacred Places has awarded a $250,000 matching grant to the United Parish in Brookline! We are one of 16 congregations out of over 370 applicants to receive the grant this year. Special thanks to our Assistant Treasurer Lietza Molloy for her invaluable leadership in preparing and submitting our application, along with help from former Treasurer Doug Johnson, Financial Planning Co-Chair Mark Jones, Moderator Jennifer Rodine, Deb Hall, David Rockwell, Holly VandeWall, the Brookline Food Pantry, Thrifty Threads, our staff and pastors. This grant is one piece of an overall, long-range… Read More

Thrifty Threads Winter Coat Drive

Thrifty Threads is noticing an increase in requests for winter coats and warm weather wear. If you look into your closets and think they are too packed, we have a solution. If there is a coat that does not spark joy for you but still seems to hold the essence of being able to give someone else the chance to know the joy of being warm- please share it with Thrifty Threads. We sell clothing and also share with many groups in need. Starting in November we will be sharing more news about our Kids Clothing Drive. Peek into the… Read More

Celebrating Kent’s 10 Years at United Parish!

This week we are honoring our Senior Pastor Kent French as we mark the 10 year anniversary of his ministry at United Parish!! We invite you to send a card or email ( with a note of appreciation, a favorite memory, or to share a blessing. You’ll also find cards in the pews on Sunday that you can write on and share after worship. We are so grateful for Kent and Robert for 10 years of faithful, joyful, thoughtful, spirit-filled leadership!… Read More

All Saints Day – November 5

On Sunday, November 5, we will commemorate All Saints Day. We welcome receiving the names of saints in your lives (loved ones, family, friends, mentors) to print in the bulletin and read aloud in worship. Please fill out the form HERE. Please submit your names by Wednesday, November 1 at 9am. Contact the Church Office at or 617-277-6860 for more information…. Read More

Annual Review for Senior Pastor Kent French

Last spring and over the summer, the HRMT completed the annual reviews of all staff members, except Kent. We are now in the process of preparing to complete Kent’s review. Please click here to complete the electronic review form. The form enables you to answer specific questions and/or to provide more general feedback. The only requirement is that you identify yourself. Responses will be needed by Monday, November 6. Your feedback will be held in confidence by members of the Human Relations Ministry Team (Kate B., Ben M. and Mark M.) and Senior Pastor, Kent French. We invite your prayerful… Read More