Middle School Church School Teacher Needed

The Children & Youth Deepening Team would like to give a huge shout out to Jeff B., United Parish middle school church school teacher extraordinaire, partner of our sabbatical pastor, Christine VanDeWege, and all around kind, giving human being. Jeff has shown up every Sunday this fall to serve our middle school youth as their teacher, to serve cake and cider at Kent and Robert’s 10th year celebration, to debut as father Isaac in the story of Jacob and Esau, and to worship with us as a faithful member of our church community. Thank you, Jeff, we are blessed to know you! As Rev. Christine and Jeff’s official time at the United Parish draws to a close at the end of this month, we are in need of a new church school teacher to join the current middle school teaching team. Please let Christine (christine@upbrookline.org) know if you are interested and available ASAP.