1. Make a fleece tie baby blanket for the Thrifty Threads Children’s Clothing Project run by United Parish’s High School class.
2. Decorate bags for the Thrifty Threads Children’s Clothing Project run by United Parish’s High School class.
3. Tie ribbons and care cards on new socks for Thrifty Threads’ Socks for All Soles project.
4. Scrub carts shiny clean for the Brookline Food Pantry.
5. Watercolor peace cards to send to the helpers in our neighborhood and beyond.
Last year, Livia and her grandson, Colin, scrubbed side by side until the Brookline Food Pantry carts glistened. Colin proudly proclaimed, “Two toothbrushes are better than one!”
We hope to see you on Sunday!
-From the Children and Youth Deepening Team