The time has come for us to debrief about the various deepening activities we held this fall (centering time at the retreat, election-eve song vigil, etc), and do some planning for the winter and spring! To that end, please join me for another evening of food, faith, and calendar-ing, as we plot out the next few months and listen for where the Holy Spirit is calling us to deepen together. Please extend this invitation to anyone else who you think may be interested.
When: 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday, January 29
Where: United Parish Parlor
What: Light dinner provided, additional snacks to share are encouraged
Why: Because we are committed to deepening our faith in creative, sustainable ways!
How: We will look at the worship/programming arc for the winter and spring, consider the questions/themes/topics we see bubbling up in the congregation, and conceptualize a loose plan for our adult deepening offerings for the remainder of the program year. Planning will then continue individually and/or amongst small working groups, in collaboration with staff and other ministry teams when applicable. With pastoral/staff support and guidance, we will implement our plan over the course of the winter and spring, and reconvene over the summer to debrief and look ahead to the autumn.
Note: As with our August meeting, please know that participating in this meeting is not a slippery slope to monthly committee meetings or facilitating every program offering (unless you want it to be). My hope is for people to join in for manageable, time-bound commitments, in ways that are right for them.
There is something for everyone: If you only want to be part of the conceptualization phase, join us on the 29th, and then we’ll see you again in the summer! If you are a whiz with a spreadsheet but the thought of teaching a class terrifies you, you might be just the person to help organize/pair up Lenten prayer partners! If you are a seasoned teacher and just need to be given a lesson plan and you’re off to the races, let us know at the meeting, and we’ll be in touch again when it’s time to teach!