
Hands-Off! National Day of Action

This rally/march – which is committed to the principle of nonviolent action – will take place at Boston Common’s Parkman Bandstand from 11am-2pm on Saturday, April 5. Let’s form a group from United Parish to attend and have our voices be heard in these challenging political times! You can sign up to come with us to the rally and/or to make posters: 1) by going to a designated table at Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 30; 2) by clicking HERE. Please contact Jenny Palmer at with any questions about signing up. For more information about the march, please go to: At this website,… Read More

GBIO Brookline Select Board Candidates Forum

It is Election Time in Brookline! Come to a candidates forum on Wednesday, April 2 at 7pm at Temple Sinai, 50 Sewall Avenue, Brookline. On May 6, there is an election for a vacant seat on the 5-member Brookline Select Board, and there are three candidates to choose from. They represent different approaches to the issues we all care about – housing, schools, seniors, taking care of our vulnerable citizens – it’s an important choice for the future of the Town. United Parish is joining with the four other GBIO Brookline congregations – Temple Israel, St Paul’s Episcopal, Temple Sinai,… Read More

Volunteers Needed for Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Potluck Brunch

Easter Weekend is rapidly approaching – and with it many opportunities to gather in worship as well as to become engaged in community. United Parish has two opportunities to become involved: The Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19 (volunteer times from 8:30-11:30am) and the Easter Brunch (volunteer times 8:30-10:45am and 12:00-1:00pm). We invite you to become part of these joyful gatherings of community during Easter! Interested? Sign up here. Contact or for more information…. Read More

Congregational Read: “How We Learn to be Brave”

United Parish Reads “How We Learn to be Brave” by Bishop Mariann Budde March 24th – April 28th Join others in our community in reading this inspirational book about decisive moments in life and faith. Following the January inauguration of President Donald Trump, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde publicly implored Trump to “have mercy upon” LGBTQ+ communities and immigrants who feel endangered after his election. Watch Bishop Budde’s sermon here: Are you searching for how to respond to the changes being made in Washington, DC? If so, join others in United Parish in reading Bishop Marianne Budde’s book How we… Read More

Clothing Drive

Our teens are launching a clothing drive for CityReach this week, and will be collecting clothing and toiletries up until our CityReach overnight on April 11th! Donations can be dropped off outside Pastor Amy’s office. Please take a look through your closets for items to bring: USED CLOTHING, including: Warm coats in Winter Nylon jackets, ponchos, and raincoats for the Spring & Fall Sweatshirts and sweatpants (especially hooded sweatshirts) Sweaters T-shirts Long-sleeve shirts Jeans, khakis and other casual pants Waterproof boots, comfortable shoes, and sneakers Hats, waterproof gloves, scarves Belts Backpacks, tote bags, fanny packs, small suitcases with wheels Travel-size… Read More

Our Church Online Directory and Database

We are proud to introduce to you United Parish’s member portal called Realm. Our online church photo directory is called Realm and it is THE way to stay connected. We want you to participate so that you can connect with your United Parish friends, and they can connect with you! It’s essential for everyone to get on board so we can continue to be cohesive and connected as a community. Now more than ever, it’s important to know your neighbors and support each other as a community during this time. What: It’s an online church photo directory and database. It’s… Read More

Summer Camps for All

There are many options for summer camps for kids, adults, and families from all our denominations including: Horton Center, UCC, Gorham, NH Silver Lake, UCC, Sharon, CT Pilgrim Lodge, UCC, West Gardiner, ME Grotonwood, American Baptist, Groton, MA Oceanwood, American Baptist, Ocean Park, ME Aldersgate, United Methodist, North Scituate, RI Camp Mechuwana, United Methodist, Winthrop, ME Wanakee, United Methodist, Meredith, NH… Read More

Financial Relief Available

United Parish Emergency Fund The United Parish Emergency Fund exists to help members and friends of our United Parish community who are in need of short-term financial assistance. We invite any in our United Parish community who need help with rent, food, or any other pressing financial burden to please contact Pastor Kent ( or Pastor Amy ( who will bring the request to the United Parish Emergency Fund team. All requests and gifts will be held in the strictest confidence. All assistance is a gift joyously given; it is not taking away from other existing church monies and does… Read More

Easter Flowers 2025

Each year, we decorate the altar with flowers donated by individuals and families honoring or remembering a family member or friend. If you would like to contribute toward the flowers and have the names of your loved ones printed in the bulletin on Easter Sunday, please click HERE to complete the form online, email, or fill out a pink form found in the pews and on the welcome tables. Please donate $10 per name; if writing a check, put “Easter flowers” on the memo line. Deadline is Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday)… Read More

Lenten Book Table: Responding to a Call to Ministry

Lent is a season where we are encouraged to take a fresh look at where we are in our spiritual journeys and ask some tough questions: what do I need to change, what should I give up, where do I need to set a new direction? Over the years, I’ve often found it helpful to seek out advice in tackling these questions and to consider new ways of thinking. Very often, it’s been books that have provided these insights and encouragement. Books on: Bible Study and Listening for God; Prayer, Devotion, & Spiritual Practices; Encountering the Divine; as well as… Read More