Get Involved

Whether you’re a newcomer or long-timer, involvement in the ministries at United Parish is an important way to enrich your spiritual journey and use your gifts in service to God.

We Are Aligned With Your Journey

Attending worship services is the way most newcomers first get involved. An easy next step is to join one of the many small group programs and ministries that offer an easy way to meet others with similar interests. Some programs are offered weekly or monthly throughout the year; other classes or service projects are offered once or scheduled for several sessions. Our ministries and programs at United Parish are always evolving to respond to the needs and the gifts of the congregation and the broader community.

Our ministries and programs are aligned to one of our five directions (gathering in community, exalting in worship, deepening in Christian faith and spirituality, stretching into justice, stewarding our resources). Most ministries embody several directions.

“As someone who has moved around a lot, I have found that actively joining the community is so rewarding. It brings lifelong friendships and a grounded-ness that makes me feel whole. I hope you will join us!” -Anne A., church member

Learn more about our spiritual directions.


Stewardship 2024 – Make Your Time and Talent Pledge

As part of this year’s Stewardship Season, please let us know how you plan to get involved by giving your time and/or talent. This information helps our Discernment and Engagement Team.

Make your pledge by clicking the green button below.

You can also complete your Time and Talent Pledge Form on Realm. See instructions for the website here and for the Realm Connect app here. Contact with any questions.


Virtual Visitor Card

If you’re worshipping with us for the first time, church shopping, or just checking us out, we invite you to fill out our Virtual Visitor Card which lets you introduce yourself and helps us get to know you better. Let us know how you found out about us, and if you’re interested in learning more about any specific areas. This is a great way to connect with one of the pastors, or get involved with a team or ministry area.