Lent is a season where we are encouraged to take a fresh look at where we are in our spiritual journeys and ask some tough questions: what do I need to change, what should I give up, where do I need to set a new direction? Over the years, I’ve often found it helpful to seek out advice in tackling these questions and to consider new ways of thinking. Very often, it’s been books that have provided these insights and encouragement.
Books on:
as well as benefiting from:
This Lent, there will be a table set up in the Chapel before and after worship displaying books on each of these topics. You’re encouraged to drop by, explore what’s on offer, and take whatever strikes you as addressing your needs and interests this Lent. I want to share with my friends and colleagues at United Parish the riches these books have meant to me and hope they can be of value to others.
— Offered by Michael McC.