Church-Wide Nativity Scene This Sunday!

This Sunday, we’re trying a new way of telling the Christmas story together in worship, and we need your help!
As part of our worship service this Sunday, December 22 at 11am in the Sanctuary we’ll be creating a giant, church-wide nativity scene! We’re inviting each person to bring something to lend to the scene: a stuffed animal, a Lego person, a figure from a household nativity set, a clothes-pin doll, a sheep ornament, you-name-it!
We’ll need items to represent shepherds, animals, angels, magi, more animals, babies Jesus (like ‘attorneys general’), Marys and Josephs and more! Nothing is too big, too small, or too obscure to fit into the stable on this special occasion… if the gospel of Love, Actually is anything to go by, there was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus!

Contact Associate Pastor Amy Norton-Benfield at