
Brookline Holiday Toy Drive for Families in Need

The Brookline Community Development Corporation (BCDC) and Brookline Housing Authority (BHA) are organizing a Holiday Gift Drive from Friday, November 29 through Sunday, December 15. They will be collecting gifts and monetary donations to provide a brighter holiday season for more than 400 BHA and economically struggling families. Please donate new, unwrapped toys appropriate for newborns through 12 years of age. (Please no stuffed animals, violent toys, items containing latex, or anything perishable.) They recommend items be $20 or higher. Donations may be dropped off in the Marion Street Lobby at United Parish…. Read More

Around the Community: Hamilton-Garrett Concert

Give Love: Winter Concert, featuring Hamilton Garrett Youth Choir and Berklee College of Music Africana Studies, as well as performances by our Hamilton Garrett Academy! This free community concert will take place on Sunday, December 8 at 6pm at the Historic Charles Street A.M.E. We invite everyone to come and be transformed with the warm, yet vibrant embrace of music to put you in the holiday spirit…. Read More

Thrifty Threads “Fix It Clinic”

Thrifty Threads is hosting our “Fix It Clinic” on Saturdays from 12-3pm. We welcome you to bring your clothing that needs a button, hem reinforced, seam stopped up or other mending. We are here to help you and support you with the repair. We can work together to decrease fashion waste. We hope this service can help us all see our way to sustainability and build friendships doing it. We welcome any donations of sewing tools too. Clean out that sewing basket: we welcome stray buttons, bizarre threads colors and any other needle craft treasures you might have. Stop by! Our volunteers… Read More

Advent Intergenerational Church School

For the four Sundays of Advent, children in 1st grade and up are invited to join together with adults of all ages in the Parlor at 9:45am for intergenerational church school. We’ll play, pray, and learn together, and each week we’ll add squares to a special congregational Advent quilt that will be displayed at the end of the season (this is a decoupage quilt, so no sewing skills necessary!). The Pre-School and Kindergarten class will continue to meet in Room 200 as usual. For more information, contact Associate Pastor Amy Norton-Benfield at…. Read More

Calling All Cookie Lovers!

Hearts and Hands will be selling cookies and ornaments on Sunday, December 15 to benefit United Parish Missions! Cookies will be sold both individually as well as in bags of 10 count. All proceeds from the sale will be given to the mission organization who has received the least amount of donations through the annual Missions Giving Christmas Market. There will also be a donation box for those who want to contribute to the missions yet don’t want to purchase any items. Please stop by the Hearts and Hands table after the worship service on December 15 and to check… Read More

Calling all bakers! Cookie donations needed for H&H Bake Sale

We are in need of volunteers to provide cookies for the Heart & Hands bake sale taking place on Dec. 15th during the Missions Fair! All proceeds from the sale will be given to the mission organization who has received the least amount of donations. The ask to our volunteer bakers: Please sign up for which type of cookie you’ll be donating using this 2024 Cookie Volunteer sign up sheet Please bake 2 dozen (24) cookies of your choosing Please divide cookies into two bags of 10 cookies each 4 individually wrapped cookies Please write the type of cookie and… Read More

Advent Midweek Worship

Join us on Thursdays from 6:15-6:45pm for contemplative worship. We invite you to deepen into Advent during the bustle of the holiday season by stepping into the quiet and candlelight for some centering time of prayer, song and reflection. December 5 – Parlor December 12 – Chapel December 19 – Comfort Service in the Chapel: This special midweek service is designed to offer a little extra comfort for any who might need it this season: whether you’re navigating grief, struggling with post-election anxiety, facing difficult or painful transitions, coping with scary diagnoses, or just need a space set aside for solace amidst… Read More

Growing Grandparents Christmas Brunch Potluck

The Growing Grandparents invite you to a Christmas Brunch Potluck on Wednesday, December 11 at 10am in the Parlor. Bring a dish to share, as well as a story about a memorable Christmas. Coffee and juice will be provided. Contact Karina T. ( about what brunch dish you will be bringing. You don’t have to be a grandparent to join the fun! Questions about the event? Contact…. Read More

Christmas Eve

Join us for Christmas Eve at United Parish! Tuesday, December 24 6:15pm – Children’s Storytime. Kids are invited to wear their Christmas pajamas and sip hot chocolate in the Parlor with Pastor Amy, while grown-ups listen to the Concert Prelude in the Sanctuary. 6:30pm – Concert Prelude. Special musical offering in the Sanctuary before worship begins. 7pm – A Festival of Lessons and Carols. Traditional candlelight service of music and scripture in the Sanctuary. Watch on YouTube…. Read More

Christmas Poinsettias

Every year, we decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas with poinsettias donated by individuals and families in honor or in memory of a family member or friend. You can click HERE to fill out the online form; email with the following: (1) your name(s), (2) who you are honoring or remembering; or pick up a form found on the welcome tables. Please donate $10 per name; if writing a check, put “poinsettia” on the memo line. Donations and forms can be sent to the Church Office or dropped in the offering plates on Sundays during worship. Deadline for names to… Read More