
Mental Health Survey

This Sunday May 12th, 2024 we will be holding a service on the topic of Mental Health, and how we can help our congregation become more welcoming and inclusive of those who struggle with mental health challenges. On behalf of the Mental Health Committee, we invite you to fill out this anonymous survey about how you feel we can make improvements in this area based on your personal experiences. At the end we will ask if you give permission for us to share your anonymous response during our service to give examples of ways we can grow and improve. Please… Read More

The Walk for Hunger – This Sunday, May 5

The big day is this Sunday!  We have about 15 walkers signed up, but we know there are more who will meet with us in the church parking lot at 8:30 am on Sunday.  We will take a picture of the group, dedicate our Walk, and take the MBTA Green Line (please bring $2.40 or your Charlie Card; children under 12 – no fare) to the Boylston stop for the Boston Common.  Anyone registered can collect a button and t-shirt.  We will also get a United Parish Team sign.  If you do not see us, gather at the balloon arch. … Read More