
Hearts and Hands Work Day – May 5

The Hearts and Hands Ministry Team will be hosting our annual work day on Sunday, May 5 from 12:30-2:30pm in the Choir Room to help us prepare for the rest of the year. We will make blankets for graduating seniors and babies and assemble care bags we give to the United Parish community in times of need. We will meet after the worship service in the Choir Room, and a light lunch will be served. If you plan to attend and have any dietary restrictions, please let us know so we can plan accordingly. All are welcome, even if it’s… Read More

Walk for Hunger Update

Happily, we at United Parish have so far collected $1,850 for Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger, the annual fundraiser for Project Bread’s programs to fight hunger in eastern Massachusetts. And about a dozen people have also signed up to Walk the 3.5 mile route together next Sunday, May 5. You are invited to make a big impact by adding your contribution to meet our Mission Giving Team’s challenge of a $5,000 match. No contribution is too large or too small — it is the number of people that will make the difference. It is easy – donations are taken at… Read More

Exploring Membership Classes

Save the dates for upcoming New Member Classes: Class 1: “Learning”. May 19th, 12:30-2pm, in the Choir Room. RSVP HERE In this class, you will have a chance to learn more about United Parish, our history and beliefs, the benefits/responsibilities of membership, and our governance structure; childcare will be provided in our nursery for the duration of the class. Class 2: “Sharing”. TBD Members of our Discernment & Engagement team will join us for this class, in which we’ll get to know one another a little more closely, and share a snapshot of our faith stories thus far. New Member… Read More

GBIO’s Lobby Day – April 11

Want to reach out to the State Legislature for housing justice? Come to GBIO’s LOBBY DAY! Thursday April 11, at 10:30am  at the front steps of the State House at 24 Beacon Street in Boston The Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO), of which United Parish is an active member, has been working for nearly three years on these critical housing issues: More funding for the state’s woefully underfunded public housing portfolio of 41,500 units housing about 70,000 of our most vulnerable residents Local option for a Real Estate Transfer Fee assessing a small fee on high-end real estate sales, with proceeds going to… Read More

Walk for Hunger 2024

WALK FOR HUNGER – MAY 5, 2024 Do you have enough to eat?  Are you willing to share?  You (and your friends!) can help others who have difficulty affording food by joining and/or contributing to Project Bread’s annual Walk for Hunger, the oldest charity pledge walk in the country and a long-time United Parish tradition.  This link connects to the United Parish Team page, where you can donate online.  You can also add your name as a team member, letting your friends know you are raising funds that help food pantries and many other food programs in Massachusetts throughout the… Read More

Poetry in America Screening and Conversation

Poetry in America Screening and Conversation with TBZ Member Lisa New and Tracy K. Smith Monday, April 8 at 7pm at Temple Beth Zion (TBZ) (1566 Beacon Street, Brookline). Co-sponsored by United Parish in Brookline. Join us for a screening and discussion of the 25-minute film, “Hill Country.” “Hill Country,” written by Tracy K. Smith, is a contemplative poem that explores connections between the divine, the natural world, and the human experience. It invites readers to reflect on the spiritual qualities of nature and the potential for witnessing the “holy” participating in ordinary moments of life. In this episode, both… Read More

Thrifty Threads Updates – March 2024

March set a new record for donations out for Thrifty Threads! Donations were sent to a variety of charity partners that service people in need of clothing support. 266 bags or 2,793 lbs. or 1.4 tons of quality used clothing. Included in this number are 100 prom and fancy dresses (estimated to be 10 bags): 78 were donated to the Cinderella Project in Maine; 22 were donated to the Belle of the Ball in Massachusetts. Also included are 22 bags to fulfill special requests, primarily for children. Additionally, we took at least 25 bags (262.5 lbs.) to textile recycling services… Read More

Growing Grandparents Outing

Growing Grandparents and anyone else who is interested, are invited on a walking tour of Cutler Reservation in Needham at 10am on Wednesday, April 24. The main entrance on Kendrick Street is about a 25-minute drive from United Parish and offers a number of level trails, all well-maintained. Click here for a digital map and downloadable trail maps (of which we’ll plan on having copies). Cutler Pond is home to large flocks of swans and many other birds and there should be lots of early spring foliage. Mike and Mary McConnell will be leading the hike. Cutler Park is a… Read More

Newcomers’ Tour and New Member Classes

New to United Parish and want some orientation, or a long-time attendee who never quite got a hang of the building’s layout? Join us immediately after worship on Sunday, April 21 at 12:30pm in the Marion Street Lobby (outside the church office) for a tour of the building and to hear a little more about where our various ministries take place! Register here (not required, but a headcount is helpful!). Save the dates for upcoming New Member Classes: Sunday, May 5, 12:30-2pm in the Parlor: Learn more about United Parish, our beliefs, the benefits/responsibilities of membership, and our governance structure… Read More