Wandering Heart: Hope & Nonsense

This Lent (February 14-March 30), our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.” We’ve been following stories about the disciple Peter during Lent and all the ways that he’s impulsive, impetuous, usually over-eager and often talking a bigger game than he can play. On Maundy Thursday, he denies his beloved friend and mentor not once, but three times — fearful for his own life to be associated with him. He weeps in bitter regret afterwards… Read More

Wandering Heart: Songs of Loudest Praise

This Lent (February 14-March 30), our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.” As we begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday, we prepare for the often heart-wrenching way that we will confront our own role in Jesus’ arrest, torture, and death. It’s heavy, there’s no way around that. I also think that it is one of the regrettably few times we explicitly encounter Christ in such a visceral way, drawing such clear parallels to our own… Read More

Wandering Heart: Forgiveness

This Lent (February 14-March 30), our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.” Come on Sunday and we’ll reflect on Matthew 18:15-22, in which Jesus gives challenging instructions about how to work through conflict and forgiveness with someone who’s offended you. When Peter shows a real interest in learning more about it and asks “How many times should I forgive…as many as seven times?” Jesus responds: “Seventy times seven.” That’s a lot of forgiveness. In preparation,… Read More

Wandering Heart: I’m Fixed upon It

*Daylight Savings Time Begins this Sunday, March 10. Turn clocks ahead one hour.* This Lent (February 14-March 30), our worship and Church School curriculum follows A Sanctified Art’s Wandering Heart series, reflecting on the sometimes mercurial discipleship of Peter and the words of a favorite hymn, “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing.” Withstanding Hard Times Sometimes the news seems too hard to hear. A challenging medical diagnosis. The end of a relationship. A job layoff. A debilitating accident. A financial setback. We’d rather turn the other way. We’d do anything to change it. Our response might be “No, no, no!” To put… Read More

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