Words for the Beginning: Hope is Worth the Risk

Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year, and this Advent, our aptly-named worship curriculum invites us to explore “Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons.” From December 1st through January 5th, we’ll dive into the themes of blessing, companionship, risky hope, abiding love, holy laughter, crooked roads and a whole lot more! As we hurtle towards Christmas, we reflect on all that it took to get us to this point, and what I’m coming up with is ‘a whole lot of hope.’ And hope isn’t anything to scoff at, though it’s easy to give hope a bad… Read More

Words for the Beginning: Do the Good That is Yours to Do

Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year, and this Advent, our aptly-named worship curriculum invites us to explore “Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons.” From December 1st through January 5th, we’ll dive into the themes of blessing, companionship, risky hope, abiding love, holy laughter, crooked roads and a whole lot more! “How do you eat an elephant?” the joke/proverb asks. The answer is “one bite at a time.” It’s a philosophical groaner, a wise un-joke that reminds us how to approach seemingly insurmountable problems, whether it’s the vast scale of injustice in our society, or the… Read More

Words for the Beginning: We Can’t Go Alone

Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year, and this Advent, our aptly-named worship curriculum invites us to explore “Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons”. From December 1st through January 5th, we’ll dive into the themes of blessing, companionship, risky hope, abiding love, holy laughter, crooked roads and a whole lot more! On Sunday we’ll visit a story not normally told in Advent, of Ruth and Naomi (Ruth, chapter 1). It’s a story about creating a chosen family vs. what cultural traditions might typically expect. It’s also a story about valuing friendship, companionship and leaning on others… Read More

Words for the Beginning: You Are A Blessing

Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year, and this Advent, our aptly-named worship curriculum invites us to explore “Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons”. From December 1st through January 5th, we’ll dive into the themes of blessing, companionship, risky hope, abiding love, holy laughter, crooked roads, and a whole lot more! This Sunday, we welcome United Parish member Kate Baker-Carr to the pulpit as our guest preacher. Kate writes: From start to finish, from Genesis to Revelation, Holy Scripture bears witness to the angels who play a critical role in the history and heritage of our… Read More

God Sightings: A New Covenant

This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. This is our final Sunday before Advent looking for “God sightings”- learning about and noticing where God lives, how God shows up for us, and how we can listen for God in our lives. I once heard about a clergy colleague who had a section in every employment contract that they were expected to meet a certain number of failures each year. This expectation was to hold them accountable to experimenting, trying new things, following… Read More

God Sightings: Here I Am, Send Me!

This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. We’ll spend the next few weeks looking for “God sightings”- learning about and noticing where God lives, how God shows up for us, and how we can listen for God in our lives. Autumn All-Parish Meeting Sunday Some of us may still be reeling from the news. Some of us may have gone numb. Some of us may be obsessively checking the news. Some of us are avoiding it. Some of us may wonder what… Read More

What just happened?

I just came from a prayer meeting of interfaith clergy: rabbis, imams, pastors, black, white, Asian, queer, hetero. Beautiful, thoughtful, engaged people of faith. This group offers one of the things I love best about our country: diversity of experience and background. E pluribus unum. Out of many, one! One of the rabbis grew up in Chile under the dictatorship of General Pinochet, who came to power by killing his predecessor in the presidential palace. Her mother died in an anti-Semitic bombing in Buenos Aires. An imam recalled when he was five years old and his family fled Somalia, walking… Read More

God Sightings: Elijah and the Widow

REMINDER: Daylight Savings ends this Sunday, set clocks back one hour. This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. We’ll spend the next few weeks looking for “God sightings”- learning about and noticing where God lives, how God shows up for us, and how we can listen for God in our lives. Meet Elijah the prophet. Elijah lived after King Solomon — who we met last week. He is known for performing miracles. This Sunday, we hear the story of Elijah and the widow… Read More

God Sightings: Solomon’s Prayer

This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. We’ll spend the next few weeks looking for “God sightings”- learning about and noticing where God lives, how God shows up for us, and how we can listen for God in our lives. Last Sunday, we sat with David as God informed him that he wasn’t the one who would build the temple. This Sunday, we meet King Solomon, David’s son, as he prepares to take on this sacred task. Our scripture reading contains excerpts… Read More

Promises Made: Where Does God Live?

This autumn, we drop into various stories of the Bible sequentially, starting at the beginning — following along with our young people in Church School. Through October 20th, we look at the promises God makes with humanity and how those promises get broken. We look at our relationship with God and how we honor and keep it. David is a larger-than-life, charismatic, heroic figure in the story of the Israelites. He starts out as a humble shepherd boy, the baby of his family, who finds a place as a skillful lyre-player in King Saul’s court. He famously defeats the gigantic… Read More

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