Who is Our Neighbor: Brookline Muslim Friends

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality and inspire us about how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. In late March, our congregation hosted an Iftar dinner for our Muslim friends and neighbors. Iftar is the nightly meal for breaking the daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan. It was a joyous, convivial evening. Over 200 people showed up, including members of 12 different Brookline faith communities, our state… Read More

Who is Our Neighbor: Erik Hoeke

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality and inspire us about how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. This past year, we’ve had the privilege of having a pastor-in-discernment in our midst. The Reverend Erik Hoeke came to Boston from western Pennsylvania to do some study at Boston College and has been a regular worshiper with us. I’ve been grateful to get to know him, and learn more about his… Read More

Who is our Neighbor: Common Cathedral

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality and inspire us about how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. This Sunday we welcome Rev. Carrington Moore, Executive Director of common cathedral. Carrington will be preaching on the story of Bartimaeus, who would not let his pleas for help be silenced, and received nothing short of a miracle in return. Carrington writes: “The Miracle before the Miracle” delves into the divine interplay of social,… Read More

Who is our Neighbor: Mental Health Parables

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality and give us sense of how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. Raise your hand if you know what a parable is! For anyone needing a refresher, a parable is a sacred story-within-The-Story. Parables were tales that Jesus told to illustrate his message for whoever would listen. Sometimes the parables had clear, stated explanations, sometimes they were real head-scratchers, sometimes they were ridiculous,… Read More

Who is our Neighbor: Thrifty Threads

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality and give us sense of how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. This Sunday, we welcome Erin Venkatesh and Rachel Silverman, who co-lead Thrifty Threads, our clothing ministry (and the only thrift store in Brookline), along with a team of incredible volunteers. Thrifty Threads turns 30 this year, and has grown exponentially since it first came into being in 1993. In addition to providing… Read More

Who is Our Neighbor: Raul Fernandez

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality and give us sense of how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. This Sunday, we welcome Raul Fernandez, who was the first Latinx person elected to serve as a member of the Brookline Select Board. He also founded and chaired Brookline’s Small Business Development Committee and led successful efforts to create a working group designed to better support the Brookline Housing Authority and its residents, a Racial… Read More

Who is Our Neighbor?: Representative Tommy Vitolo

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality, and give us sense of how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below. This Sunday, we welcome our state representative, Tommy Vitolo. From an early age, Tommy learned the value of neighbors, as he grew up in a community where “kids played outside in big groups and there were neighborhood barbecues nearly every weekend all summer long. Parents were coaches, scout leaders, PTO captains, and… Read More

All-Parish Celebration!

This is a big weekend for us. On Saturday, we’ll have our postponed Strawberry Festival on the lawn, 11am-3pm. Emily and Stefan have been valiantly carrying this big event forward for us. WE STILL NEED MORE VOLUNTEER HELP — please click here to sign up. This is our annual welcome party for the whole neighborhood. On Sunday, we’ll have our June, end-of-program-year all-parish meeting. In some places, church annual meetings can be a dreary or tense affair. I’ve heard of some that devolved into fistfights. That’s not how we do things. Ours is a celebration, of all we’ve experienced over the past year and all we have to… Read More

Who is Our Neighbor?

This Sunday, June 18, we begin summer worship in Willett Hall at 10am (June 18-September 3). It’s the first time in three years that we’ll return to this type of worship and I have missed it greatly. Why? For those of you who haven’t been, when we worship all at the same level, in slightly closer proximity and visibility, and slightly more informality, it connects us better. Personally, I feel more clearly the creativity of God, the human connection with Jesus Christ, the synchronicity of the Holy Spirit and our connection as the living, breathing body of Christ in the world. Summer… Read More

Blessed to be a Blessing

Dear Ones, This week we’re traveling way back to some of the earliest roots of our faith, to journey with Abraham and Sarah. This is our first introduction to the characters of Abraham (then called Abram), and Sarah, and we meet them one day when God, somewhat out of the blue, instructs them to pack up their lives, leave everything familiar to them, and follow God to an unknown destination. To sweeten the deal, God explains, “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those… Read More

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