Table Etiquette in Retirement

Summer Worship Series: New Beginnings This summer, we learn more about the faith lives of our members as they reflect on what it means to embark on new beginnings. Jesus liked to eat. More than that, he liked eating with other people. His friends, followers, strangers on the road, perceived enemies, he sat down with all of them. And in the intimate act of sharing a meal, he saw into the heart of his companions and helped them see themselves and their lives in new ways. There’s a reason that we commemorate his ministry with the holy meal of communion…or… Read More

Cycling With God

Summer Worship Series: New Beginnings This summer, we learn more about the faith lives of our members as they reflect on what it means to embark on new beginnings. One “new beginning” we’re in the midst of is troubleshooting and tweaking our sound system and livestream; we’re grateful for your patience and understanding as we work to have everything shored up and in ship-shape by September! This Sunday, United Parish high-schooler Kendall B. will offer a homily she wrote reflecting back on a six week, 3,000 mile bike trip she made last summer, pedaling from the coast of Georgia to Santa Monica,… Read More

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